
Just did some research and discovered that vekked one a main event passport on stars this past sunday. I think we all need to encourage him and get him in the wsop!
I think hes scared and needs a little motivation :P


  • go vekked!!! (the border guards are actually nice people, ignore the stories)
  • Hell, Vekked...what's to be scared off? Playing for millions of dollars, against established professionals and low ranking donkeys, being viewed and critiqued by tens of millions online? Having your every decision dissected and evaluated by thousands?
    JUST DO IT!!!

    You have a great oppurtunity here to participate in the Stanley Cup of poker games. Sure you'll be nervous and anxious and questioning every decision you make, but so will everyone else there. And you're MUCH better than the bulk of them!!!
  • You will have the experience of a lifetime. Other Forum members there to hang out with and the chance to win a ridiculous amount of money, al for the cost of the sattelite ?

    No brainer. this is an all in shove, fist pump.
  • Congrats guy, by all means if you can go.. GO... If an old guy like me can play an event and survive 85% of the field surely a man of your experience can do 15% better... :)
    Oh and if you really can't go and want me to play it for you, by all means just ask.. :):)
  • he can use it for epts and pca and stuff like that too.
  • Can sell pieces on here so others can get rich off your run-good-ness.
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Can sell pieces on here so others can get rich off your run-good-ness.


    Maybe look at EPT events from a tourist idea isn't too touristy...
  • +1

    Maybe look at EPT events from a tourist idea isn't too touristy...

    You get good value on PCA or London too if you choose those.
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