It's Official: Thrashers to Wpg

If they can sell 13,000 season tickets, the Thrashers will be going to Wpg. The BoG still has to vote but if they sell the tix then it's a shoe-in. Prices look reasonable.


  • Congrats to Winnepeg, but the realist in me doubts that it will go well. The NHL has a rising salary cap and therefore rising salary floor now and I just doubt there is enough corporate dollars to make it a net earner. The league will just have another small market team that will struggle to make the playoffs year after year, and partake of the revenue sharing system. But hey, they'll be in Canada so that's so much better.

    The right thing to do (economically) was place it in Mississauga/Cambridge corridor of the 401. Draw on the disgruntled Leaf fans of TO, the hockey rabid fans of the golden triangle where the economy seems to stay in a bubble and points West of the centre of the universe.
  • Congrats to Winnepeg, but the realist in me doubts that it will go well. The NHL has a rising salary cap and therefore rising salary floor now and I just doubt there is enough corporate dollars to make it a net earner.

    Current agreement ends when? I am betting on another lost season to "fix" this CBA.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Current agreement ends when? I am betting on another lost season to "fix" this CBA.

    slightly disagree, the way NFL is moving and probably the NBA bettman should just cave to everything BUT cap so they keep the product on the ice, NHL should make big money if 2 of the big 3 dont play at all!!

    bring people to the game, see the game is good, bring your friends, as per winnepeg, I think bad management or too many hands in the pot is really what happened, people were still going to games!!!
  • I was read a story not too long ago.
    It was a different time in the Peg when the Jets left. Just like Atlanta nobody wanted to own the team and keep it there. They found someone and moved to Phoenix. Big mistake afaic.
    the dollah was only 60 cents at the time. I know Winnipeg has changed quite a bit and I am sure they will do just fine. There are some pretty deep pockets backing this team now and that comes into play a little bit.

    The next CBA there probably will be a stoppage. This may kill off a couple of the hurtin units down south.
    Bettman has big trouble . 4 teams for sale right now. PHX, STL, DAL, and our Leafs. I haven't heard anything about the Leafs since OTPF put their share up, except for Rogers and Bell were supposedly jockeying for position.
    MR B can't convince anymore Gazillionaires to buy a US franchise the way their economy is right now. They don't want to lose 20mil + a yr.

    Good for Winnipeg. They already have a new GM and will probably completely overhaul the whole franchise.
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