SNG Situation

Level Five of a $10 NL SNG on Stars (blinds are $75/$150) will be level six in two minutes. Chip breakdown is as follows:

You (4th): $1160
Chip Leader: $8055
2nd: $2075
3rd: $1545
5th: $665

You are dealt 66 would you play it? Just curious.

Thanks for the input :)


  • Depending on the opponents I either fold or raise all in (given that a 3-4x raise is essentially an all in here). If the big chip guys are the types to play every hand and call large raises with J 10 type hands I may just pass because I am not in the mood to face 2 opponents with 66. Not really eager to face even 1 :wink: .

    Your chips are lowish but not disaster low and I have found that these low pairs are often a good ticket to departure if played in early position as you will get called by any pair bigger then you, even 77 without thinking. Hard to imagine a call you like unless its an A 5 suited type thing.
  • Depends on the opponents. My play for each below:

    Calling station opponents:
    Call the big blind or maybe raise to $300 and see the reactions (hoping you just pick up the blinds)

    Tight opponents:
    Raise 3xBB and hope that you get folds or a weak call from the BB.

    Both situations; If overcards hit, either toss $150 out there to see the reaction or check and prepare to fold if there is a bet.

    Obviously, it all depends on the opponents.

    Ok... one more choice, go all in. You're a coin flop for any powerful connectors. I think this isn't a bad option either considering your chip stack, the upcoming 150/300 which will eat you alive, and your position. Not knowing the opponents, I would personally choose this option (especially considering the cost of the tourney).

    Good luck and hope it worked out for ya.
  • You left off the most important information, where the stacks are in relation to you. If two short stacks are in the blinds, then its time to throw on the tap shoes and start dancin.

    I'm less concerned about the big stacks calling my all-in if they aren't in the blinds than some of the other responses are. Of course if someone has an overpair, they're calling and of course if someone has two big they are calling. The point of a blind steal is that your opponents are far more likely to have crummy cards that shouldn't warrant a defense.
    Depending on the opponents I either fold or raise all in (given that a 3-4x raise is essentially an all in here)

    Wow. Thats deep.
  • BBC Z wrote:
    You left off the most important information, where the stacks are in relation to you. If two short stacks are in the blinds, then its time to throw on the tap shoes and start dancin.

    Thanks, BBC Z. I didn't realize I left this out. The chip leader was the BB and #3 was the SB.
  • BBC Z wrote:
    Wow. Thats deep.

    Eh, I do about 40-50 SNGs on Stars a month and this situation is pretty common - the low pair in early position with a relatively small stack. I appreciate that a bit more information on which stacks were sitting where would help, but really the only play I don't like here much is calling and raising to 450-600 either gets you the blinds or a reraise all in which you probably have to call. Why not just go all in in that case? My response was not intended to be "deep" because it is not an overly complicated situation.

    Congrats on the sarcasm though BBZ. I suggest a minute or two in front of the mirror with a sly wink, big grin and two thumbs up for yourself are in order ;)
  • Monteroy wrote:
    Congrats on the sarcasm though BBZ. I suggest a minute or two in front of the mirror with a sly wink, big grin and two thumbs up for yourself are in order ;)

    At the very least, I got a real good laugh outta this! Right on.
  • Personally I don't like the all-in preflop. It doesn't leave you anything for the turn or river. In this case I raise the minimum and if the flop is friendly bet out, who knows what the BB will call you with (J10, Q9, any two sooted cards?). At this point of the tournament I think you want the BB to call you and shave some of his chips away from him to put you in second place or in the money.

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