First visit to niagra

Went to Niagra this weekend shockingly was my first time there. The games were really good. Mostly played 5/10 and really not many players impressed me, lot of tight people and people who do not know proper bet sizing.
Another thing I noticed there was a lot of people act so tough, lose a hand to someone and start yelling at people. Never heard so many arguements at a poker table in my life lol.
Friday I played for about 4-5 hours and made 600ish.
Saturday was a different kind of ride haha. Woke up around 10am and had breakfast, went to put my name on lists and well i waited lost 475 in BJ.
Started playing around 11am. They opened a 5/10 table around 12 and I sat down with max buy in. of 1000. In the first orbit I lost a buyin when I had KJc flop came j82 with 2 clubs and missed to QQ. After about 6 hours of playing I was stuck around 4.5 buyins. I didnt want to move seat and then see someone sit there and start hitting, but eventually I moved seats and turned out to be a great decision. Played until 5am and not only got back to even but left up lil more then 4k. had almost 9k on the table. Went on a sick run and once I got some chips I was a force, 3 betting and betting big on rivers. Makes me wish the max buyin was more then $1000.


  • Nice day of work there..well done
  • thats sick, could you share some of the interesting hands you played?
  • Went to Niagra this weekend shockingly was my first time there. The games were really good. Mostly played 5/10 and really not many players impressed me, lot of tight people and people who do not know proper bet sizing.
    Another thing I noticed there was a lot of people act so tough, lose a hand to someone and start yelling at people. Never heard so many arguements at a poker table in my life lol.
    Friday I played for about 4-5 hours and made 600ish.
    Saturday was a different kind of ride haha. Woke up around 10am and had breakfast, went to put my name on lists and well i waited lost 475 in BJ.
    Started playing around 11am. They opened a 5/10 table around 12 and I sat down with max buy in. of 1000. In the first orbit I lost a buyin when I had KJc flop came j82 with 2 clubs and missed to QQ. After about 6 hours of playing I was stuck around 4.5 buyins. I didnt want to move seat and then see someone sit there and start hitting, but eventually I moved seats and turned out to be a great decision. Played until 5am and not only got back to even but left up lil more then 4k. had almost 9k on the table. Went on a sick run and once I got some chips I was a force, 3 betting and betting big on rivers. Makes me wish the max buyin was more then $1000.

    I was there from 10 PM to 4 AM, Where you on table 3?
  • table 8, seat 8
  • yeah I can share a couple. This one is what got me going. I was at around 2kish when this hand happened. I was dealt 108s think 2 limpers before me I also limp then another limper and then button raises to 60. all 3 of us call. Flop comes off j53 with 1 spade and 2 hearts. checks around to the raiser who bets $125. others fold. one left behind me. I call here, which a lot dont, but if I float a board its usually gonna be when I have a couple back door draws which I did, and the board was a little dry and thought if heart came I could bluff at it too. guy behind me also calls who is a young grinder. turn is the 4s. I check and now the young grinder bets out $175 and the other calls. So now im really getting both great odds to hit, but also great implied odds because no one is gonna see the back door flush draw coming. also if a heart comes Im gonna bet at it. River comes the Qs...BINK! lol. I bet 480ish, coulve bet more I think but anyways... young grinder like snaps me and the other goes in tank for a bit and eventually calls as well. There was a nice like $2500 pot. Some people might not like the play and say I just got lucky but they both said they put me on a heart draw so if a heart comes off, im gonna win the pot too so I had a lot more outs then it looks like.

    Heres another one.
    This was a little later in the night so Im not positive on the preflop action but I think I know it to be this. I get 73c couple of limpers by this time Ive been running over the table and get a pretty good read on most of the players. I raise to 65 and get 2 or 3 callers. flop comes down 974 with 2 clubs. now a guy who limped fires out a small bet of 60ish, this guy seemed pretty tight, he was really quiet so I just called. others folded. Turn was an off suit K. He now bets out 75. Hes sitting with around $1500, So i raise it to $225 now he min raises to $455. Here I know he has a Monster, either a set of k9 maybe. So its around another $230 plus he has around 1100 back. If he had raised to like 600 Im gonna fold but Im not folding to a min raise lol so I call and the river is money for me. Qc. he now bets out $200. I make a confused look kinda sit there for a few seconds then put in a stack of like 4k lol he thinks for a while and someone calls time on him, he eventually calls. Now here Im not gonna deny, very lucky, he clearly had a set I think but when your running good your running good i guess lol.

    One hand I had j10 guy raised I called and another called flop 987 with 2 hearts. other caller leads out for like 180 other folds i pump it to 500 he ships for like 1300 totalish and I snap. he had 56, again very lucky flop lol.

    Another one, this one is kind of interesting. A game named wally who apparently is niagras highest high roller was pretty drunk and waiting to get to 10/20. I limp in with one of my fun 63h hands lol couple more limpers and now wally in the bb, suit comes up and says do you want 10/20 and hes like yeah after this hand and he raises to 100, has like 1500 back. Normally Im gonna fold prob even for 60, but only because suit came over then he raised plus hes hammered and I know hes a highroller I thought he was gonna stack off no matter what in this hand. So i called looking for a good flop and another calls. Flop is a good one j64 with 2 hearts. He bets around 250 so I raise to 720ish just looking to get it in knowing im a head of any pair statically right now. other folds and wally thinks for awhile then pushes it in i call off the rest, turn 3 river blank and I win with 2 pair. he had 99.

    Now there are a lot of hands where I stole some pots on the river and other stuff but I played for like 16 hours and its hard to remember them, these obv stick out in my mind as a mix of run good, and situational play. as Wetts always bad, run good!! lol
  • haha awesome, thanks for posting those!
  • ya sounds like you did well, people need to grasp there hand strength better is what im seeing, your first hand, raise to 60 then 3 calls so 240+ everyone checks to the bet of 125?? come on, if your looking to just string people along thats fine, id rather just take the pot with 180-200, that would have probably got you to fold, let alone the turn is STILL under 200, doing any kind of idea on hand you might have unless you flopped some weird set or 2 pair or something id have made alot more than 175, probably more like 300 or 350 even, whats the worst that happens?? but its not me at the table either haha

    recently enough i was SB, at 2-5 3 limpers i called with ace 4 off suit with 3 callers then the BB checked, i had checked in the dark to ace 4 6, 2 spades, 2 checks a bet to 40 into 25, a fold, i raised to 150, the better says "loose call" im just thinking come on one time!! i check in dark again to a spade, he ships BAH...shows 109 spades like hes the genius lol

    im not gonna complain about it to much, the very next hand i flopped a full house and got paid off 1k+ pot "SHIP IT!"

    more less the point is everyone live right now knows the game and hands, maybe not strength but bet sizing is mostly where they mistep and dont grasp totally floating and other wise...its not gambling and hoping for the best because its a casino its still POKER!
  • O yeah the bet sizing was horrible, the 125 let me float, and the 175 on turn wow i was happy to see a river so cheap haha
  • I was dealt 108s think 2 limpers before me I also limp then another limper and then button raises to 60. all 3 of us call. Flop comes off j53 with 1 spade and 2 hearts. checks around to the raiser who bets $125. others fold. one left behind me. I call here, which a lot dont, but if I float a board its usually gonna be when I have a couple back door draws which I did

    I like these kind of situations where you have a runner/runner draw to a straight and flush and you are getting good implied odds. For example, 67h w a 49A board w one heart. Any 5 or 8 or heart and you have a lot more chances to win the hand. Really depends on the flop bet. When you hit these kind of hands, you really get paid off. Although, you will get donkey stares :)
  • Glad you enjoyed the fish tank....I have to agree their bet sizing sucks..but the issue is because they all learn from themselves...its cannabalism in that place which makes it most enjoyable for people who actually don't play their regularly.
  • lol o yeah, few people were looking, what did he call the flop with lol. i just laugh.
  • think you got a bit lucky with those tiny flush draws and not running into higher flush draws, which I often run into these days.
  • o yeah, with the 63h I knew I was ahead though, either way he either has a pair or if he has the FD im still ahead with my pair.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    think you got a bit lucky with those tiny flush draws and not running into higher flush draws, which I often run into these days.

    You know he's a favourite over basically anything but sets right?
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