Live MTT's $100-$200+

Hey I am new here so if this is in the wrong spot please forgive me in advance! I'm just looking for some live MTT's in the $100-$200+ range preferably with 100+ runners. Does such a thing even exist in Ontario? I'm in Toronto so would prefer around the area.

Anyone have any ideas? I have been searching relentlessly but that also helped me find my way here lol.



  • Check out the Brantford Charity Casino Tournament schedule. They have $200+ buyins with a decent structure. 80 players max.
  • Thanks I looked into it they have 15 min levels starting at 25/50 $7500 starting stack. 150 BBs is suffice to start. If anyone has played one of these and can give me some insight (player quality mostly) that would be good. I'm usually a 4-8 table grinder online but mostly just PLO so I wanted to dabble in
    Some live NLHE MTTs.
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