Seneca - Please go play there :)

Here is a quick trip report from Seneca this past weekend:

Got there around 1:30pm after getting harrassed by the border guard as he couldn't understand why I had to go play poker across the border instead of at Fallsview in Canada. After explaining to him that I like playing at this room he let me through.

I registered for a 2/5 game but there was only one going and that was the highest limit that was available. The rest were Max 100 and Max 200 (1/2NL) filled with old guys and just from what I saw horrible players. The biggest fish tank ever. Now after playing there a couple of weeks ago for their tournament I figured there would be some decent cash game players....NOPE....

Ran into the head floor guy "John/Joe" who was the TD for the Seneca series, he is awesome and caters to all players. I watched him pull chips off of tables after 3 orbits and basically tell players they have to inform the dealers when they are leaving for more than 3 orbits.....

Finally got seated into a fresh 2/5 game with middle aged guys and a couple of young kids. Some quick assessments:

1. The game is crazy one likes to fold one pair
2. If you have the nuts doesn't matter, bet it.

On a board of 3468K 6 people saw the river and called a 250.00 river bet, hands were:

None legit hands:

At once point I was up 5 buy ins.....spewed some of it back, and got smashed in the last hand where I had 77 vs AK on AA72 river K board. Funny thing the hand was raised 25 pre and I was in the BB I flat, I knew he had AK just got unlucky, we got it in on the flop >3K pot.....GG me.

Will I be back, yes......get there mid afternoon, get on the 2/5 game. The dealers are better and the players are worse than Fallsview. The floor also takes care of you.


  • Was also at Seneca during there tournament a few weeks back on the Sunday cash games were so juicy. Best hand for me I had AhKh flop came with two hearts and a club than on the turn another heart and a brick on the river nut flush woohoo for me. I couldn't believe my luck when the betting was done by the other two players in the hand and got it allin for a pot of $1300 on a 1/2 game. Thought the games were like that because of the tournament sounds like they are just as juicy might head down this weekend. Also got a hard ass at the border checked the trunk and wondered why I would play at Seneca with two casinos on the Canadian side.
  • I frequent Niagara Casino 1/2 NL on this side of the border...I gotta get my passport and try Seneca sometime....can't wait!
  • Sounds like an overnight CPF trip us in order!
  • haven't I been preaching 'Seneca' for the last few years? Just need more non-1/2 games to make it poker nirvana. Too bad its a two hour drive.
  • ive been there twice now, once during deep stack, then another time, 2/5 is easy enough, just wait for a borderline good cant bluff it HA
  • I hate the way the boarder guards question you. I feel like I'm being interrogated by the gestapo.
  • Well if your going at "falls" dont lie, say your going to "bob evans" which you should do before you hit the casino anyway heh, pig out for next to nothing cash wise, then have a monster session!!

    Actually I tell the truth and have no issue, Im unsure about other people Ive said going to the casino, Im asked how much I have about $1200 or whatever away I go
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