Bday+1 BCC Trip Report

After my usual appointment in Hamilton headed to BCC to cash in on my bday promos from BCC.

Called ahead about 1:45 and got in about 3 pm. The main entrance is now open and looks like they are almost done with their renos. Checked in with the floor and there was a huge list of callins but almost no-one actually on the list. Went to the players desk to score my promos. $5 free slot play and a $5 match play for BJ. Almost felt like I was nitting it up in Vegas. Whee!

Picked a likely looking slot machine and I stared at the thing for about a minute when the 85 year old slot pro beside me kindly pointed out where my card went. Slid in the $5 slot play cert. and spun max 7 times. Hit a pretty cherry for a nice $1.25 payday. Woot!

Wandered around looking for a $5 min table but the best I could do was $10 min. They let me play for $5 and the match play brought me to $10, which I don't think was right but meh whatever. Pulled the awesome 20 vs dealer A. Dealer flips up 6 and draws a 2. Winnar! Took my $10 in winnings and made a beeline for the craps table.

However before I got there, I heard my name called for the $5/10 so I went there instead, with my awesome $11.25 in winnings burning a hole in my pocket. Bought in for $200 and quickly won two pots which qualified for a kill and went up $150. Pissed that all away and all the action players left to be replaced by people waiting for $10/20. Usually those guys are good for some big pots and these guys were all super nits. Actually saw 3 blind chops in one orbit. Got totally bored. Finally my JJ holds UTG for the second time of the day and decide to take my luck to craps instead, since obv a PP holding at BCC means you are hot like the sun. Left up another $20-$30.

Also side note: when I bought in at the cage I could see in the chip drawer a bunch of mint $5s so my bday wishes from JohnnieH almost came true. So dead mint, the clay dust was still on them. Alas she actually went to grab them and then changed her mind and went to a different rack.

Went to the craps table and spun the dice for about 2 hours, mostly treading water. My second roll was definitely the best in the entire time I was there and went up about $500. Decided to stick around and roll a third time but the last orbit wasn't too great.

Overall though it was a great time and final total slots+BJ+poker+craps was a $221.25 win. Yes I beat the casino at every game I played. Clearly the home casino nights are working. :)


  • Well done moose, least your not at the casino giving it away HA
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