Crazy Action at Fallsview!!

so i went for my week end trip to fallsview like every other week to play the 2/5 game. it was a new table and everyone was pretty much buying in for the max of $500 or somewhere close. i was sitting in seat 5 with a mix of regulars and about 1/2 newbies. the game started super tight but as it progressed it got loose. i was felted once for about $600 with a really tight player, i convinced him after a 3 bet call that i had trip jacks with a board of j58 rainbow. he still called and mucked after he revealed qq and i had aj.

the biggest hand was as follows. a new guy sits on seat 10 with like 150 (total bs cuz this ss always make a run and double with jackshit). so he starts to pick up pots with his measly hands and pushes every other hand to double up. i'm still in seat 5. so here's how the hand plays out.

SB = SEAT 8 (super tight, only plays big pairs. even limped with kings. older asian man)
BB - seat 9 - young asian guy super aggressive.
SEat 10 calls 5

Seat 1 calls 5, seat 2 calls 5, seat 3 Raises $25 (super fish) seat 4 calls, seat 5 HERO CALLS WITH J10. seat folds, seat 7 calls, seat 8 calls, seat 9 folds, and here's where it gets AWESOME. the guy who bought in with the minimum had already called 5, but he throws in the black $100 chip (even though he had reds) hinting a raise, but one chip rule applies. so quickly seat 4 and me say that's a call right. the dealer says yes and the guy is confused b/c he says he already had 1 red in there. anyway he wanted to raise but didn't play with the rules. so he calls.

Flop comes Qh 8h 9c. small blind leads out with 50, Seat 10 calls, seat 2 folds, seat 3 calls, seat 4 calls (already theres like 250 preflop, now it the pot is juicy). actions on me and so far i have the nuts, its a really draw heavy board. i have about 330 and i push for all in. seat 7 folds, and to my surprise seat 8 (super tight asian man) calls for 330. seat 10 also calls, everyone folds and then seat 4 (who has about 2 grand behind) calls. i'm just having a serious sweat b/c seat 4 is up and is in a gambling mood so i put him on a flush draw. asian gentlement i wasn't sure about, and seat 10 i put him on kings/aces in which case he shouldn't have been in the pot after the flop but he decided to go for it. so with my all and 3 callers with that the pot had ballooned to like 1600. there was a side pot now so the turn is a blank 6 spade, and another spade. so im just shittin my pants b/c no way am i a favourite to win with 3 callers. BIGGEST SWEAT IN A CASH GAME for me so far. surprisng b/c i've won more than that before but the rush was crazy considering i was down like 600 bills

there was a side pot for like 800 which the remaing players called off after asian dude went all in on the turn. so as i predicted seat 10 had aces, seat 4 the gambler had k5 of hearts missed flush, and asian man had two pair Q8. i raked the big one with j10 straight. i'm just wondering if i played this right? im positive i did but would someone risk it with a possible flushing, b/c i've seen some players (u could call them nits lol) who have folded in a similar position from the fear of being drawn out.


  • I think you played it perfect. You had all your money in and get called. nice pay day.
  • rapz4lyfe wrote: »
    i'm just wondering if i played this right? im positive i did but would someone risk it with a possible flushing, b/c i've seen some players (u could call them nits lol) who have folded in a similar position from the fear of being drawn out.

    if u even contemplate folding the nuts after the flop in NLHE, u should immediately hit up your nearest seniors complex and take up lawn bowling, cuz pokerz not for you
  • LMAO if anyone ever folds this flop..... no no not possible. not even gonna start lol
  • Folding here is like folding AA pre... cue Jah... :)
  • if your folding the nuts, or even thinking of it....please come sit with me at the table...i welcome your higher level of thinking!!!

    just get it in and hope for the best, your doing the right thing, if you lose so be it thats poker!!! these things happen, i had a similar hand at seneca flopping a full house getting snapped off twice by 2 flush draws...flush came!!
  • getem76 wrote: »
    i had a similar hand at seneca flopping a full house getting snapped off twice by 2 flush draws...flush came!!
    You must have laughed at that! Both drawing dead.
  • getem76 wrote: »
    if your folding the nuts, or even thinking of it....please come sit with me at the table...i welcome your higher level of thinking!!!

    just get it in and hope for the best, your doing the right thing, if you lose so be it thats poker!!! these things happen, i had a similar hand at seneca flopping a full house getting snapped off twice by 2 flush draws...flush came!!

    It sounds like your telling us the flush coming made you lose lol. Unless they had str8 flush you shouldnt have lost with full house lol
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    if u even contemplate folding the nuts after the flop in NLHE, u should immediately hit up your nearest seniors complex and take up lawn bowling, cuz pokerz not for you

    I could probably come up with a couple spots where it's correct...
  • Vekked wrote: »
    I could probably come up with a couple spots where it's correct...

    really? in a cash game?
  • compuease wrote: »
    really? in a cash game?

    my sentiments exactly.....would like to hear the scenarios....
  • final 9 of WSOP main event. flop 789 with 78h A9c you have j10d. 8 people all in before you. Maybe then I fold :P
  • final 9 of WSOP main event. flop 789 with 78h A9c you have j10d. 8 people all in before you. Maybe then I fold :P

    ha ha.....maybe, but that's a tourney, not cash (I'm still calling BTW)
  • I guess I'm not the nit I thought I was... :confused:
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    my sentiments exactly.....would like to hear the scenarios....

    Ok I don't want to spend a heap of time thinking about a super realistic example, but here's a super obvious, not so realistic one:

    We have something like AK clubs and we're 1200 BB deep. We raise, get called by a 2 nits who cover us. Flop comes KhQsTh with 2 hearts, we bet 1/2 pot and get 2 calls. Turn comes Js, putting 2 flush draws out there. We bet 1/2 pot, 1 guy thinks for a bit then shoves, and the other guy calls fairly quickly. This is a fold and not even close.
  • HAHA yes this is true, good call
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