What is next for Canada ...

The sudden retirement of two judges allows for an opportunity to reshap the Supreme Court of Canada. Now that Mr Harper has a majority, does it change whom he might place in the countries top court? What agenda will the court have? And how will it shape our future? Life time apoimtments ... anyone thought good or bad?


  • I can see a shift more towards a more "interpretive" rather than "legislative" Court. In other words, I think we will see less of what the neo-Cons would call an Activist Court, where the decisions rendered force the government to come up with legislation to fill voids in the Constitution. Not sure that this would be a good thing, and it is one of the reasons why I hate Trudeau for our Constitution. I thought the BNA Act was a far more "Liberal" document, allowing for more personal freedom, and less government intrusion in our day to day lives.

    Overall, it has the potential to "balance" the courts viewpoints. However, Mr. Harper needs to remember that his appointees may behave differently than expected, once they enter the chambers of the Court, as more than a few Liberal appointees have. That is a great thing
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