Tool of the Week


  • Context please. Have yet to have time to watch any NBA playoffs this year.
  • Not sure, but my guess is that its because it says the finals, when the conference semi finals are not even done?
  • Pretty sure it's the the stupid grin on his face. ;)
  • Pretty sure it has to do with DG getting fired by Sportsnet after tweeting his support of a NHL player agent who tweeted negatively in response to Sean Avery doing a PSA in support of marriage "Rights" for homosexual couples.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Pretty sure it has to do with DG getting fired by Sportsnet after tweeting his support of a NHL player agent who tweeted negatively in response to Sean Avery doing a PSA in support of marriage "Rights" for homosexual couples.

    Ding ding ding, we have a winner...
  • Milo wrote: »
    Pretty sure it has to do with DG getting fired by Sportsnet after tweeting his support of a NHL player agent who tweeted negatively in response to Sean Avery doing a PSA in support of marriage "Rights" for homosexual couples.

    See bold for reason I had no clue who the bloody hell he was.

    Also, if that's the reason, I may have to change my tune and start watching non poker events on Sportsnet. Good for them :)
  • It doesn't have ANY effect on your life. What do you care? People try to talk about it like it's a social issue. Like when you see someone stand up on a talk show and say "How am I supposed to explain to my child that two men are getting married?"... I dunno, it's your shitty kid, you fuckin' tell 'em. Why is that anyone else's problem? Two guys are in love, but they can't get married because YOU don't want to talk to your ugly child for fuckin' five minutes?

    Louis C.K.

  • Nice re-post Mark . . . well, borrowed from your FB, anyway. It is, in a way, a social issue, though . . . namely that it proves that government has no business in the "marriage" game at all. If government had not role in "marriage", the whole controversy would be moot.

    I do not (and should not) need the government to validate my relationship with my wife anymore than you should need the government to validate your relationship with Mario . . . the farm animals are between you and the SPCA.
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