It's going to take a bit to get it all going, but the sister site of is up and running again. It's an awesome domain, let's hope it brings some new people here too.

Going to contribute as often as time allows, here is hoping it becomes part of your poker web stops.

Here is today's little blurb, try to to mix it up with short articles.

Canadians Ben Wilinofsky & Will Molson ITM @ EPT Madrid


  • I tried to grab that URL but I guess someone beat me to it.. I assume there will be poker site links eventually to try and generate some revenue? maybe you could get some forum members to donate some articles for the site?
  • From what I have read PFC has owned it since 2004. Sure any content from members would be appreciated, Scoops is the guy.

    On a side note, looks like Xuan Liu and Daniel Idema are other Canadians still in contention as well for shipping Madrid.
  • Xuan Liu busted 75th or somewhere around there. She is having a good run. She finished 3rd at EPT San Remo Main Event
  • Won't be a Canuck this year,

    Daniel Idema is the last notable Canadian name I recognize, going out 41st for
    Ben Wilinofsky out 44th for the same.

    One name that is nice to see is Jason Grad from Calgary, he is the SNE player that sat for an 88 hour straight 1/2 session at Stampede recently, he couldn't beat Laak's time but good on him for trying. He went out 54 at Madrid for 25,000 as well.

    Looks like Xuan Lui did go out 75th as you said For 20,000 and Will Molson went out In 59th for the same.

    Guess I'm cheering for Ramdin now, he is having a great year too
  • If given the opportunity I would contribute articles related to live poker from a recreational players standpoint, talking about the idea behind juggling cards, work, and social life together.
  • If given the opportunity I would contribute articles related to live poker from a recreational players standpoint, talking about the idea behind juggling cards, work, and social life together.

    I would drink this tonic.
  • Shoot Scoops an e-mail with your ideas, between everybody, this could really take off! Would love to read your stuff blackmagicz
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I would drink this tonic.

    I'd swill that down as meant sip like fine wine.
  • If given the opportunity I would contribute articles related to live poker from a recreational players standpoint, talking about the idea behind juggling cards, work, and social life together.

    Blasphemy. All of it.
    Maybe you could add a warning BM...about sipping the Kool-aid ya know?
  • DennisG wrote: »
    Blasphemy. All of it.
    Maybe you could add a warning BM...about sipping the Kool-aid ya know?

    LOL *warning not for the faint of heart...and please where a tinfoil hat*
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