Blackberry comparisons

He guys. So, thinking of entering the world of smartphones by upgrading my current cel. I know there's a few Blackberry owners on here and I'm just wondering if anyone has any thoughts, or anecdotal comparison between the Pearl, Curve and Bold.

I've checked out BlackBerry - Compare BlackBerry Smartphones and PDAs at So, I have the specs on each. Just wanting some real world info.

Don't plan on texting/emailing a ton. Some probably. I kind of like the smaller Pearl.

Anyhoo, thoughts?


  • SteveKerr wrote: »

    100% agree. iPhone is way better than the Crapberry
  • Just out of curiosity, what is it about the Blackberry that you guys don't like and what is better about the Iphone?
  • lol @ Apple lovers... :)
  • If you're not texting/e-mailing alot, I tend to agree with the iPhone lovers and go with the iPhone. You can't beat the selection of applications that they have.
  • westside8 wrote: »
    If you're not texting/e-mailing alot, I tend to agree with the iPhone lovers and go with the iPhone. You can't beat the selection of applications that they have.

    This is true. You might want to look at an Android phone, but iPhones are pretty much the way to go for apps. Blackberry apps tend to be both limited in number and sucktacular in comparison.

    If however, sending email and messaging was most important for you (it is for me), you might want to check out the Blackberry options. I would recommend the Bold, though my sister's fiance has a Torch and likes it. I really don't like the Curve (my mom and several friends have them. Just not as nice.) For me Blackberry Messenger is enough to keep me w the BB.
  • I am super happy with my Android. Not sure which apps Apple has that I don't...but I certainly don't miss them.

    The new dual core Androids are sure to give the Iphone a run.
  • I did look at the Iphone originally, however it's not something I'm interested in. I'm a painter. It involves lots of touch screening. I can't do that. If I could show you my current poor little cel phone, it'd make you laugh or cry. Whatever I get is going to get covered in dust, oil primer, paint, drywall mud, construction adhesive, get dropped off ladders, get crushed by things, etc. I know they're all breakable, but the less touch screen required the better.

    One of the slider type keyboards won't work either. Will get jammed with fine dust, etc.

    On top of that, I could never live it down if the GF saw me carrying around an Apple product. She's an artist, thus one of those slightly eclectic Apple fans....

    I will be getting one of those Otterbox Defender cases to protect whatever I get.

    Basically, I could probably just get along with a regular old cel phone. My friend has a blackberry and says the reception is much better than his old cel. He's a contractor and uses his to keep track of hours, email invoices, GPS, etc. etc. We have no interest in what I assume are the various apps available. I wouldn't use 99% of them anyway I'm sure.

    One reason I'm even considering upgrading is that obviously smart phones are the way things are going. Soon, there won't be just a cel phone. I'd rather figure these things out now while they aren't totally a pain in the ass to get used to.

    Anyhoo, at this point we have one vote for the Bb Bold, which is likely the direction I'll be heading in.
  • Bold is the cadillac, pearl typing can be tough to get used to. Curve us a solid middle if the road device. Bold would be my choice....or wait a couple if months and the next gen Bold 9900 just announced will be available. Thin and touch screen without the slide requirement
  • isnork wrote: »
    Bold is the cadillac, pearl typing can be tough to get used to. Curve us a solid middle if the road device. Bold would be my choice....or wait a couple if months and the next gen Bold 9900 just announced will be available. Thin and touch screen without the slide requirement

    Ive had 3 curves in 3 years, and they are horrible. The trackball will without a doubt stop working after 6 months. Same problem all 3 times.

    If the phone wasnt free Id dump it in a second.

    I think the new bold has the squarish looking track pad which has to be infinitely better.
  • full line has gone to touch pad now. Track ball was a PITA for gunk.
  • IMO..if you're going to go with a BlackBerry, Bold 9700 is the best device for your money.
  • I second what isnork said. I'm now on my third Bold 9000. First problem was the trackball, next was the USB port. 2 of my sisters have the Pearl, it's a pos as far as I'm concerned. Have some colleagues with Curves, they're not too bad if you want to pay a bit less.

    I also treat my phone pretty rough. Dust, engine grease, kicked down a flight of stairs, I've even dropped a skid on it before. Can't say it's not durable in that regard.

    My next upgrade will be either the Bold 9700 series or the new Bold, gonna wait until the price points are released.
  • Went with the Bold 9780. Woman in the store said they'd sold 2 Pearls since they came out and hundreds of Bolds.

    Have had the thing for about 4 days already and haven't had the time to figure this thing out whatsoever. Doesn't appear complicated, just a completely new environment to explore. Will be spending the morning getting to know my new toy.

    Hoping to find online tutorials in some regard to assist in this process.
  • has a lot of good basic info and more.
  • Bold 9700 ftw. Best phone I've ever had, now bridged to a Playbook and I'm loving life.
  • This thing is impressing me in ways I never thought possible.

    Today, working in an area by the lake. Nobody gets any network reception out in this area of the boonies by the lake. I turned the thing off to save on battery so it wouldn't be searching for a network.

    Got home. Turned it on. Checked messages. Started reading something sent by GF. She looks at me and says "How are you reading that? I called you and left a voicemail?" I showed her the screen and we were both blown away. The thing did voice recognition and converted the message to text. I had no idea they could do that.

    Now, I'm not sure if I'm paying extra for this feature (hope not), but that's pretty cool.

    Thanks for the advice on this buy guys. If anyone has any opinions on any apps they find useful, if they could post them that'd be great. No games. Won't play them.
  • My most used apps..... Poynt, Weather Network, Scoremobile (a must if you're a sports fan) and voice activated Google mobile. All free btw.

    Only ever paid for one app, MLB's At Bat 11, great for baseball junkies.
  • Google maps, so much better than the bb one.
    There's also one by rim, I think it's called Traffic. Does turn-by-turn directions like a standalone gps. I haven't used it much, but it seemed decent when I did use it.
  • Here's to hoping getting this thing wasn't a bad idea.

    RIM shares are down 20% on Friday. Maybe a good time to pick up some if they're going to rebound.
  • I do not know much about the market, but I know this . . . NEVER buy stocks that do not pay dividends. Tip o' the hat to my favourite Dragon, Kevin O'Leary.
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