Ready! Set! SCOOP!!!

Good luck to the the PFC horses (and the others playing).


  • check out the new start times for each event
  • Ive never been up this early on a sunday! haha gl all
  • haha yea wtf I wanna die
  • haha me too, this is outrageous lol gl gl gl
  • guys! Let's see...been up twice with the kids in the last 2 hours, fed one, she fell back asleep. Changed several diapers. Got destroyed in a sng. A pot of coffee in me so far, dishes done..getting breakie ready..

    Why does Scoop start on Mothers day?

    GL all!
  • Make me some breakie yo. Yah scoop on mother's day is pretty lame, luckily my mom is sweet and understands that it's SCOOOOOP, lolll.

    I got a pretty sweet first table in the 6m, 2 decent spewers.
  • God, TP + FD + GS < set, down to 8BB

    EDIT: and outtt
  • which one was that in? the 2k or 215
  • 215, not 2k'ing unless there's an overlay or something
  • Afternoon shift starts soon!
  • anyone got stacks?
  • only in the $215 at 2. 26k. just lost 37k pot jj to ak to k9. k9 third man to call all in for30bb. flop 99 low turn 9 lol
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