Raping colluders is fun.

I took this pot down, but there was some VERY interesting play going on here...

Hand #3997118-2614 at Aumsville ($2/$4 Hold'em Kill)
Powered by UltimateBet
Started at 19/Jan/05 05:51:17

Dameol is at seat 0 with $62.50.
whitesqualls is at seat 2 with $80.25.
Big Nasty J is at seat 3 with $91.50.
Chris Jensen is at seat 4 with $256.50.
beatem is at seat 5 with $146.25.
THOAAG is at seat 6 with $130.50.
shutin is at seat 7 with $181.75.
Dices is at seat 8 with $174.50.
slophouse is at seat 9 with $185.75.
The button is at seat 3.
The partial kill button is at seat 3.

Chris Jensen posts the small blind of $1.
beatem posts the big blind of $2.

Dameol: -- --
whitesqualls: -- --
Big Nasty J: -- --
Chris Jensen: Ad Qc
beatem: -- --
THOAAG: -- --
shutin: -- --
Dices: -- --
slophouse: -- --


THOAAG folds. shutin folds. Dices calls.
slophouse calls. Dameol folds. whitesqualls raises
to $4. Big Nasty J folds. Chris Jensen re-raises to
$6. beatem calls. Dices calls. slophouse calls.
whitesqualls re-raises to $8. Chris Jensen calls.
beatem calls. Dices calls. slophouse calls.

Flop (board: Qd 2d 6d):

Chris Jensen checks. beatem checks. Dices checks.
slophouse bets $2. whitesqualls raises to $4. Chris
Jensen calls. beatem folds. Dices calls.
slophouse calls.

Turn (board: Qd 2d 6d 7c):

Chris Jensen checks. Dices checks. slophouse bets
$4. whitesqualls raises to $8. Chris Jensen calls.
Dices calls. slophouse calls.

River (board: Qd 2d 6d 7c Ac):

Chris Jensen bets $4. Dices calls. slophouse calls.
whitesqualls calls.


Chris Jensen shows Ad Qc.
Chris Jensen has Ad Qc Qd 7c Ac: two pair, aces and queens.
Dices mucks cards.
(Dices has Qh 7h.)
slophouse mucks cards.
(slophouse has 2s 6s.)
whitesqualls mucks cards.
(whitesqualls has Kc Kd.)

Hand #3997118-2614 Summary:

$3 is raked from a pot of $104.
Chris Jensen wins $101 with two pair, aces and queens.

EDIT: For those who didn't notice the flop had three diamonds giving me the nut flush draw. I missed it but luckily I hit the A on the river to take the pot off these two clowns. They were both reported to UB support and as soon as I hear back I'll let you know what happened.

EDIT2: I have no idea why slophouse calls my last bet on the ace. Probably because nobody in their right mind would give up that pot for 1 BB after playing it so aggresively and he didn't want to be obvious. (more so than he already is) What do you guys think?


  • Not that surprising actually.

    I would look at the hands before and after to see if they were playing together.

    2-6 suited hell thats a power house.

    q-7 suited, well for 8 bucks maybe I can bust up them aces.....

    Then you look at the hand, one flops two pair, the other flops top pair, and the third has over pair.
    Then the turn brings two pair for two and over pair for another leaving you way behind.
    The river saves you, 14 outs for you on the river and you hit one.

    Outside of the 8 call with suited cards, doesnt seem that funky.
  • Redington wrote:
    2-6 suited hell thats a power house.
    You have been playing with Graham far too much.

    Congrats on the win. It looks to me like collusion. The guy has no business making stupid little raises with no hope of winning. Now, he could just be a terrible player who thinks he can scare people out with lame raises but it seems to me the only purpose is to build the pot steadily for his buddy who did have a great starting hand. I'm glad to see they got burned.
  • Congrats on the win. It looks to me like collusion.

    Am I missing something? Collusion usually involves the player with crap cards raising to trap someone in the middle. Thats sure not the case this time.

    In this hand, KK capped preflop after AQs made it 3.
    On the flop, 26s flopped two pair , he leads out get raised and just calls the raise.
    Turn he does the same thing (because he's looking for a safe card after the flop raise).
    River they call 1 bet into a monster pot.

    Worst accusation of collusion EVER. You should find those guys and apologize for slamming them on a public forum.
    EDIT2: I have no idea why slophouse calls my last bet on the ace. Probably because nobody in their right mind would give up that pot for 1 BB after playing it so aggresively and he didn't want to be obvious. (more so than he already is) What do you guys think?

    BECAUSE HE HAS TWO PAIR! Is everyone supposed to just fold on the river when you bet?
  • Gotta agree with BBC Z on this one. The only odd play I see from slophouse is calling the 3 bets cold preflop with that hand (which doesn't necessarily blow my mind either). I've seen a guy at the Brantford 2-5 game call 3 bets cold with 32d preflop, PLUS 3 bets cold on the flop with the same hand with only a backdoor flush draw (only to hit runner runner and take down a monster pot). Bad players playing any 2 suited doesn't really shock me anymore...
  • i gotta agree with BBC Z, while people limped with speculative hands i think after the flop that hand played out exactly for each person as you would expect it to, including your betting during the hand.

    But it's good to go look at the table log whenever something doesn't feel right. I did that one time when i was sandwiched between two players that seemed to be colluding. Logs didn't show anything to suspisious expect that quite often one guy or the other was folding to a single bet on the river in big pots once heads up (obviously the guy who was just building the pot). I just typed 'u2 know everyone can tell what you're doing' ... didn't even put any names etc... 2 hands later the both left.
  • I don't see anything even remotely like collusion in this hand.
    I have no idea why slophouse calls my last bet on the ace.

    You may have misread his hand. Folding two pair on the river here for one bet would be a monster of a mistake.

  • Chris wrote:


    (Dices has Qh 7h.)
    slophouse mucks cards.
    (slophouse has 2s 6s.)

    What do you guys think?

    I think, yes, there are bad players on the internet and around the world.

  • Ya. You guys are right. I misread the original post and made the facts fit the hypothesis. My bad.

    Chris, who would have reasonably thought he had the best hand on the flop was actually in 3rd place. Mr 62 actually flopped a monster but there is no way he should have called 2 bets cold pre-flop. I would tag him for that at least. He got lucky then real unlucky.

    Chris on the other hand, got lucky on the river.

    My apologies for agreeing with the suggestion it was collusion.

    This is the sort of thing you read about in books...
  • I misread the HH. It was late last night and I was tired. I dind't realize he flopepd two pair. So yes, I agree there was no collusion. My bad.

    Also, I didn't really get "lucky" on the river. I flopped the nut flush draw and top pair top kicker.

    I thought I deleted this post last night. Strange. I am indeed red in the face.
  • This is gonna happen alot guys play like maniacs with garbage they dont care they pay to the flop with shit. Then For this guy it payed off with two pair. I dondt see anything wrong except preflop and that might just mean he is a bad player. I mean on the flop he had u beat so? cant blame him for playin.
  • tonnes of limit players play any 2 suited cards....the guy hits 2 pair on the flop, of course he plays it...

    there is zero collusion here, and ub will tell you exactly that
  • tonnes of limit players play any 2 suited cards....the guy hits 2 pair on the flop, of course he plays it...

    there is zero collusion here, and ub will tell you exactly that

    Did you bother to read the thread at all? We've already come to that conclusion.
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