Multi table playing on line.

I recently checked a few players on Poker Stars...and noted that many play more than one table. A couple of tables I can understand. But how can they play 10, 20, even 30 tables at a time? They are mostly Sit-n-Go's and often for the same buy in.
Do they use a poker program or what? Any incite or opinion would be interesting...


  • Google Nanonoko, Boku47. If you find any video, it'll blow your mind. Many people on here multi table. I do not. Many people use poker tracking software as well.

    Not many will comment on your question as there are hundreds of threads on here about multitabling. Search button is your friend.
  • Thank you
  • I am starting to get into multitabling, while I can't see me mass tabling I am hopeful to regularly play 4-6.

    I just played 4 at a time on full tilt, cashed in 3 (all 3rd's, end game still rigged on full tilt:rolleyes2:) and the 4th I just missed.

    Still on the fence about multitabling but hopefully I can continue getting results.

    I just have to find a good layout that works now, I started with stacking but my tables were not popping to the front so I said screw this and somewhat tiled with overlap, (guess cascade would have worked for me, try that next time).
  • I usually do 2 tables. I use Table Ninja and Holdem Manager while I play. At times I do 3 (2 SnG and 1 cash)
  • my first post here was similar to yours, now i regualary 10 table profitabley. right now im on 6 tables watchin a movie responding to this and reading some crazy shite on another poker forum i won't name
  • darbday wrote: »
    my first post here was similar to yours, now i regualary 10 table profitabley. right now im on 6 tables watchin a movie responding to this and reading some crazy shite on another poker forum i won't name

    which explains your shitty spelling.>:D
  • How can you watch a movie while doing 6 tables? Thats nuts
  • DennisG wrote: »
    which explains your shitty spelling.>:D it doesn't....:(
  • Icedog wrote: »
    How can you watch a movie while doing 6 tables? Thats nuts
    lots of rewind

  • I can't multi table.

    Have one window up on Pokerstars.. then boom the other one pops up when it's my turn distracting me.

    If there were a way to make sure this doesn't happen then sure.
  • Only played 2 tables at a time with cascading, don't ask me how but I played 3 games total and cashed 2/3 for a lil more profit and it was a terrible evening and shutting er down for the day.
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