Good and Bad run in a 110 hands

Bank roll is not huge actually it is 0 after loosing my bank roll. So started playing free rolls to build it back up, all I can say is grinding sucks.. So I am playing a .05/.10 limit game once I was able to get 1.25 in my bankroll. Now I am over $8 not bad from $0.

I was on tonight and since my BR management does not allow more than 10% in, I was only able to put in around $0.86 in a 0.5/0.10 limit game. The good thing is I am up to $5.

I have had the worst cards this session, in 87 hands I have had:
1 QQ (very first hand)
1 JJ
the rest have been nothing but face cards with rags (thankfully they were hitting) with the odd AJ, QJ and no KA.

on my 98th hand AA finally hit and thankfully it won. I still have not hit KK in 110 hands and no other high pockets either.

How many times do you go through 110 hands with out hitting AA more than once or KK at least once? I am just thankfull the other crap was hitting now I'm up to $6 from .86 time to call it a night..


  • Ganther wrote: »
    How many times do you go through 110 hands with out hitting AA more than once or KK at least once? I am just thankfull the other crap was hitting now I'm up to $6 from .86 time to call it a night..

    I'd have to say on average 2.

    Learn some odds. Odds of hitting a specific pocket pair is 220-1. And 110 hands is nothing.
  • Just thought it was kind of odd but according to the odds guess not.. just glad I made a profit..
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