What's in your wallet?

It better not be my wife's Credit Card . . .

We got a call tonight from her CC comapny. Apparently her account was flagged by the fraud dept. after a $0.97 charge went through. This was followed in very short order by almost $3,000.00 in various purchases over the internet. Fortunately, as the flag had been raised, these purchases have either been declined outright, or are in limbo while they investigate and try to trace the black hats. Regardless, we are not liable.

Interesting to hear from the guy in the fraud division that the bad guys have a new tactic. Apparently they use something similar to an auto-dialer, except that it spits out CC #'s. They set it to debit the random #'s for a small amount (hence the $0.97) and, if it hits, they're off to the races . . .


  • Actually, it's real . . . it's DAMN real (channeling my inner Kurt Angle, sorry).
  • Milo wrote: »
    Actually, it's real . . . it's DAMN real (channeling my inner Kurt Angle, sorry).

    So are you going to start claiming someone hacked your Twitter account?

    Also, auto-dialing for CC #'s = scary.
  • good thing the credit cards are insured for this type of problem. It happens to everyone eventually. I got hit for long distance calls a couple years ago.
  • I found this guy.


    Touch break Milo. Atleast you are not responsible, but it's still a pain in the ass.
  • Meh

    Happened to me just before x-mas... they send you a form to swear you didn't buy these bills, then your # changes - not a huge deal.

  • I order poinsettas for my US clients every year and the florist for 2 years ran each one separately. Got the AMEX fraud squad call and assured them it was ok that there was 14 $75-$80 charges to one location all on the same day.
    Next year same thing, but glad to get the call. This year the florist ran only one invoice YIPPEE!

    Milton Slim
  • Yeah, I know Mark, but it still makes you want to find the guilty party, smear their genitalia with honey, and stake them out over top of a Fire Ant hill . . .
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