Regular Downtown Toronto Games/Tourneys

I would like to know who is ineterested in playing in regular cash games and regualar tournaments during both the week and weekends at a central location in downtown Toronto (Bay and Bloor area). Dealers would be used, along with real hold'em tables and high quality chips/cards. Food, snacks, drinks would be provided. Big screen tv for watching poker/sports. I want to set this up, but first, just want to get some idea of interest. Thanks.


  • Always interested in poker nights that are well run
  • i'd be interested for sure
  • hey, i'd be interested in playing some cash games downtown. email me some more details at
  • Bingo! Deal me in.
  • Hey,

    I'm interested in weekly games for like $20 buy ins...i'm interested in any tournaments that are $50 or less.

    e-mail me:

    if you know of any or have any suggestions.

  • What would be the buy in for the tournaments and what stakes in th games? Thank you
  • i'd be up for it for sure! how much are the buyins?
  • i would for sure be interested, i probably wont play on a super regular basis. Im in Scarborough relying on TTC, so I would make it down once in a while for sure.
  • Depending on the buy in/stakes, I'd definitely be interested.
  • I am in the planning process of holding a tournament on Saturday Feb. 5th in the afternoon. It will between 40-50 people with a $50+10 buy in with most likely one re-buy. I will have 4 or 5 real texas holdem tables, real chips, and kem cards. The +$10 is going towards the party room to rent and each table will have a full time dealer. I will also provide refreshments. It will be at a luxury condo at Yonge and Bloor right above Bloor subway. Any interest? Details and confirmation will follow.
  • Giddy-up. I'm in.
  • for sure i'd be interested
  • myself and a friend are interested, coudl yous end em an e-mail so i can confirm my name and his?

  • Hey I live in the Yonge and Bloor area. I am assuming your renting the place at the Colonnade which is really nice. I am down to play so e-mail me back and let me know exactly the details and if you need any help with the arrangments or getting players. Word of advice, people on here do not know each other and of course are skeptical about shady situations. Thus, keep the buy in around $50 and you should have a good turnout.

    Keep me posted or contact me personally.

    pocket irans
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