Casino Niagara Trip Report

Saturday, March 26.

Since the party at Wetts was cancelled, I found myself with no real plan for Saturday when GarryC called me at work late Friday afternoon. He noticed the cancellation but still had an itch to play, so we thought a road trip to Casino Niagara was in order. He's been, I've never, so it sounded like a good idea.

Garry picked me up around 8:30am and we headed down. Roads were in good shape and we called ahead just outside of Hamilton to get on the list. By the time we arrived, we were on the top of the list, and only took about 10mins to get a seat at a table. At first we were seated at the same table, Garry to my immediate left, so at first chance for table change I took it. Shouldn't have done that.

We both bought in for max $200. I never got above my max buyin for the first three or four hours, winning some small pots, losing small pots. Got KK once in the SB, folded around to me, and BB asked to chop. I obliged. Never saw another pair for about another three hours, but when I did, it was AA and the table dynamic had changed quite a bit. Much more active, newer looser players, more aggression. I"m on the puck with a raise to $10 and two callers, so I pump it up to $50. One of the new guys thought for a moment and eventually called as did one other. Flop comes down 8K10rainbow and folded around. Only had about $120 or so left so I pushed. Get insta called by first caller, second one folds, first guy shows pocket 8's for set. Nice hand, go to reload.

Things just got worse from there. Pocket Kings get busted by oesfd that hit his flush. 78s gets bested by someone with a higher straight (played J5o), but the hardest hit was playing A10s in MP and calling a $10 pfb. By this time this was standard raise, and 7 to 8 players were seeing a flop. Flop comes down 10106. Checked to me, I throw out about half pot. Guy who busted my aces earlier calls as does SB, everyone else gets out of the way. Turn is 4...thought I could slow play so checked. SB bets out smallish, I call hoping first guy stays around or raises. He disappoints by folding. River is rag something, SB bets out again pretty smallish, about $40 iirc. I raise, she min re raises. Should have folded but couldn't with the pot odds, and she shows 106o for a flopped boat. From there, I put the last of my second buyin with KQ on a flop of 10Jrag. Get called by 108o and get no help. I'm done and walk away...obviously not my day.

Garry on the other was crushing his table. By this time he was up over a full buyin and was having a great rush. It was only about 5pm or so, and he wanted to ride his rush, so I said I'd find something to do. Left him in the poker room, which by this time had filled up nicely and was playing 2/5, 5/10, 10/20, and I think Omaha Hi, but that might have only been an interest flash on the screen. Went to get something to eat, then headed to the blackjack tables.

Had a pretty good run on blackjack, played for about 2hrs and worked it up to about $150 ahead before the shoe turned sour on me. Had a young lady join us who was celebrating her birthday, complete with 3olive martini's, and spent time helping her make the better choices in the game. When she left the table, her original $30 roll had grown to about $80 and she was quite happy. Soon after, I was sitting at about $100up in BJ and decided I wanted to try something new, so headed to the craps table.

What a complicated game! I was at Moose's one day after he built his own craps table, and he tried to show a bunch of us degens the various ways to play. Wish I had paid more attention to Moose, cause I"m sure I missed some +EV here. Regardless though, the dealers were very friendly and helpful, and more than willing to coach a newbie like myself. Craps is a difficult game to win at, and can be very easy to go broke on, that much I can see right away. I was up for awhile, then some bad rollers who maybe rolled 3 times before hitting 7 each, and nobody was making money. Got one older lady shooter who rolled for maybe 20mins. Nice rush on her, got some losses back, and started to play middle board. Hard 6, Hard 8...paid off a couple of times. Then I decided to put $5 on hard 12. Very next roll comes up boxcars and I'm awarded $150 at 30to1. Decided to colour up a short time later, up maybe $100 in total, and toured the rest of the casino.

Meanwhile, Garry had worked more magic on his table and was up over $500 so far. It was getting on about 8pm, and wanted to play for another hour or so. I'm never one to force someone from playing his rush, so I went to the sports betting area and watched the game until he was ready to go. When he finally decided to call it a night, he was up about $350 in total and was quite pleased with himself. He obviously had a better session than I had, good for him.

Left the casino about 9:30 or 10:00 and was home shortly after 11. Went to bed and tried not to focus on my day at the poker table, but instead on my BJ and Craps sessions.

Moose...bud...need you to teach me more about this Craps game.


  • Can't believe you hit Hard 12. What a donkey :D
  • Nice TR AJ. I actually think there were a few lengthy and in depth craps general strategy threads on here a while ago.
  • Nice TR AJ. I actually think there were a few lengthy and in depth craps general strategy threads on here a while ago.

    Found it, just went through it, watched the vids. Next trip will have more Craps :D

    I knew it was a sucker bet Johnnie, but it was just one of those things. I was down and I felt I needed some luck, and it hit on the next roll. Win Me!^-^
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Found it, just went through it, watched the vids. Next trip will have more Craps :D

    I knew it was a sucker bet Johnnie, but it was just one of those things. I was down and I felt I needed some luck, and it hit on the next roll. Win Me!^-^

    Oh for sure. I'm glad you've come around on craps. It is a totally degen game, but when the roller is running hot, the game is so much fun!
  • Great TR, watched craps dozens of times, still don't get it although I have to +1 the degen comment. It's right up there with sports betting for killing bankrolls.

    That said, some nights the parties paid for by craps are pretty sweet, when Lady Luck is on your side.
  • I'd like to go. What time we leaving?

    Oh!!! already been.

    Milton :( Slim
  • 'sokay, Dave, we unnerstand . . .
  • IMHO if you're going to play craps you want to put most of your money on the bets with the lowest house advantage.

    The free odds has zero house advantage.

    The pass/come, don't pass/don't come have about a 1.4% house advantage.

    Brantford allows a max 5x free odds.

    So you should mainly make $5 pass line bets with max free odds bets ($25 or $26 free odds bets) and come bets with max free odds bets.
  • Waiting for Casino Night to try these "systems" . . .
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