my first Stud-Hi tourney

Decided to try my hand at Stud tonight. Am currently sitting 1st of 37 :-)
Sitting directly beside FTP "red name" Alan Boston. Having fun trying to bring it all on home!


  • getting dangerously close to bubbling. If I bubble after investing almost 4 hours in this thing, things around here are gonna get busted up!

    Man, been completely and I mean completely card dead for an hour and a half.
  • survived the bubble and ended up sitting 4th of 12 and as per usual for me, I brain cramped when getting into the money and donked off my chips for an 8th place finish. I seem to do it at nearly every final table. A microchip burns out and I end up moneying for waaay less than I should. Mod, feel free to delete this now invalid thread or move it to online forum
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