Fallsview ruling

Hey all

Thought I'd throw this one out for discussion. At Fallsview the other night. 5 players see the flop, I'm in mid position. Flop is checked around, turn is checked to button. Button bets, 2 players fold, I'm thinking, next two players quickly fold out of turn, button quickly bets. Dealer, who is paying no attention to what is going on, starts to ship the pot to the bettor. Before she can get her hands off the pot and while I'm saying 'whoa whoa whoa, hello,' the button shoots his cards into the muck. The dealer then looks over, sees my live hand, smiles, laughs, giggles, drags the pot back to the centre of the table and says 'I better call someone over.' My cards were in CLEAR SIGHT of the dealer. I'm in seat 7. When Suit arrives on the scene - 1 live hand - mine. Dealer describes what happened...the ruling is....drum roll please......
The hand is dead from the beginning and never happened. I'm not making this up. They call over another suit who agrees. Then they spend 10 minutes trying to figure out the betting on the hand so everyone can get their money back.

Anyone at the table who voices an opinion says the dealer f-ed up and as sucky as it is, the live hand should be awarded the pot...except the button, of course (can't blame him). When it's obvious they are not going to award me the pot, then I say it should be chopped between the bettor and the live hand, or failing that, just give it to the button, and he can decide what is fair so we can move along. But no.

The pot is short, so they decide to go to the camera. Half hour later, he comes back, tries again. The pot is still 5 bucks short. Thankfully, one guy who folded tosses a chip to the button so we can get on with our lives.

So, what do you think? Maybe I'm way off base here and the jet propulsion engineers at Fallsview are correct? Enlighten me.


  • you r playing at fallsview you have to expect that crap because they don't know WTF they are doing, Search this forum you will see the history of bad decisions they make!
  • button gets his initial bet back, and you get the rest of the pot having the only live hand.

  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    button gets his initial bet back, and you get the rest of the pot having the only live hand.


    Easy game, this^^^^
  • Only at Fallsview . lol
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Only at Fallsview . lol

    No it happens in AC for sure, and I've seen some odd ones in Vegas too. Clearly this was wrong as described but wherever poker is played, strange decisions get made at times and sometimes you can only shake your head... Funny how us players never make strange decisions.
  • I'd be starring at the floor man saying softly "you should probably figure out why the pot is 5 bux short" ...seriously they have cameras and they can't figure that out?

    ya youd think it would be at least a chop, but they must have rule for when the dealer touches the pot in a live hand....maybe its a clear cut ruling but just a stupid one.
  • The decision is bogus enough that I would not be suprised the 5 bucks was the rake and no one counted it in. Any mucked hand is a mucked hand no matter when it happens.
  • I'd like to know how they justified returning chips to players who had mucked BEFORE the Dealer messed up . . .
  • I'd like to know how they justified returning chips to players who had mucked BEFORE the Dealer messed up . . .

    A dead hand (or better yet, a VOID hand) is void entirely, not just from a certain point on. If the hand is not to be played out, then ALL monies must be returned to all players, not chopped amongst those that are remaining.

    I am in no way saying the decision in this hand was right or wrong; I have no stance and am not involved with the proceedings in the Fallsview Poker Room.
  • 13CARDS wrote: »
    A dead hand (or better yet, a VOID hand) is void entirely, not just from a certain point on. If the hand is not to be played out, then ALL monies must be returned to all players, not chopped amongst those that are remaining.

    I am in no way saying the decision in this hand was right or wrong; I have no stance and am not involved with the proceedings in the Fallsview Poker Room.
    The mans hand was STILL LIVE! He should have got the pot. Jesus Christ.
    How friggin STUPID can people be.
  • some responsibility should also fall on the player who muck their cards; they should have realized that another player was in the hand.
  • 13CARDS wrote: »
    A dead hand (or better yet, a VOID hand) is void entirely, not just from a certain point on. If the hand is not to be played out, then ALL monies must be returned to all players, not chopped amongst those that are remaining.

    I am in no way saying the decision in this hand was right or wrong; I have no stance and am not involved with the proceedings in the Fallsview Poker Room.
    HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    The mans hand was STILL LIVE! He should have got the pot. Jesus Christ.
    How friggin STUPID can people be.

    Before everyone starts to jump on 13cards, he said IF a hand is considered VOID then that is the procedure. He did not say he agreed with the decision to void the hand.
  • +1. 13Cards is bang on IF the correct ruling is to void the hand.

    Obviously, with a player still holding live cards, I think we can all agree that voiding the hand is probably the worst decision that could have been made.

    Players are responsible for protecting their hand.

    Player mucked his hand, inadvertantly or not is irrelevant at this point (no one is claiming angle shoot, I take it).

    This leaves only one player with a live hand.

    Pot goes to the live hand, as it is (obv.) best.
  • Meh, villain messed up and dealer messed up. Although dealer caused villain to mess up by clearly intending to award villain pot. In this situation I somehow feel that the house or the dealer herself should match the size of the pot and award it to the live hand. It's messed up, but I can't see any other way to make this fair...
  • HOME GAMES > FALLSVIEW CASINO... The WORST run poker room in the world in my opinion.

    I hope someone who runs the poker room reads this... THE WORST!! If Brantford had NL fallsviews poker room would cease to exist... THEE WORST!

    The dealers take forever to deal hands... most of the time theyre busier talking to players from other tables rather then worry about... THEE WORST! whats going on at their table.

    FALLSVIEW poker room does not exist to me... THEE WORST!
  • Fallsview is thee worst!
  • Don't hold back, tell us how you feel . . .
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