The Lincoln Lawyer . . .

Just won VIP passes to the premier of this movie. Tix are courtesy of Newstalk1010 in T.O., which is where I assume the screening will be. Date is Mar.18th, iirc.

Anybody in Toronto interested in these? I am not driving into mid-town just to grab tix that require me to drive back into mid-town . . .

The PR dept. will be calling me at work, and I will confirm if I can transfer them to you, if you want them.


  • Yeah, I hate winning free shit that requires me to get off my ass too.

    No offense, but why did you enter the contest for said free tix if you didn't want them? This is a pet peeve of mine. Undoubtedly there were many people that would have loved to win them but you helped take away their chance by entering for something you didn't really want?? I don't get it and see it all the time.

    As an aside, I am driving downtown tomorrow and my wife would enjoy a night out in downtown TO.
  • Because, as with most of their contests, the prize is only announced sporadically during the broadcast. If it was for a ppd Amex, which they were giving away during the week, no problem. But for some movie passes I am not driving into TO during the week, at rush hour, for a $30.00 prize.

    Ever used the "Will Call" window? I would make use of the tix, if I could just show up at the theatre, produce ID and get on with the show, but apparently this is not possible.

    In spite of your rant, I would gladly make your wife happy, but the tix are for the 18th of March, and I will not have further details until the work week.

  • Milo wrote: »
    I am not driving into TO during the week, at rush hour, for a $30.00 prize.

    Are their offices only open for an hour after rush hour?

    Are you only allowed to drive during rush hour?

    Is downtown Toronto only open to outsiders during rush hour?
  • Are their offices only open for an hour after rush hour?
    The offices are open for prize pick-up until 6:00 p.m. unless they have changed their policies. I have gone through this before.
    Are you only allowed to drive during rush hour?
    Don't be an idiot. Well, other than cheering for the Habs, anyway . . .
    Is downtown Toronto only open to outsiders during rush hour?
    Please see my second response

  • So because you call me an idiot you can't drive into down town during non rush hour.

    K thnx
  • No, I cannot drive in during non rush-hour times, because they will not be open.

    Please re-read my last post slowly, so you have a better shot with the big words.

  • Sorry, did not realize rush hour extended from 7 am to 7 pm these days.

    Totally my mistake.
  • Well, I can understand that. You are forgiven for forgetting that some of us have jobs . . .
  • Yeah, you're a slave to the man. Besides you might miss a few new threads or death pool updates if you had to spend 2 hours getting downtown.
  • Yup, EXACTLY. My time, and my home life during the week are worth more to me. If that bothers you, too fucking bad.
  • <- Pulls up a chair.

    Very entertaining so far. :D
  • I told you what bothers me in post #2

    As for your life and free time I couldn't fucking care less that you're a lazy arse who entered a draw for a prize he didn't want.
  • Please to enter next lame ass excuse below.
  • 1) Was not a draw, nor did I say that. Won them this a.m. on some music knowledge (picking the songs and artists in a montage).

    2) Would like the tix, but am not prepared to jump through hoops to get them, so . . .

    3) Have offered to give them away (if possible) so that they do not go to waste.

    4) Have spent enough time dealing with a dumb-ass Habs fan whose sole purpose for replying in this thread was to crap on me for all of the above, leading to . . .

    5) Go Fuck yourself . . . I am off to visit with my Mom.
  • [x] could be bothered spending time and energy recounting hits from the 60's
    [ ] could be bothered reaping rewards for said knowledge.


    You go fuck yourself......I need not as I visited yer mom last night.


    Hoops according to Milo....


  • cant tell if this is serious or not...
  • AIPF wrote: »
    cant tell if this is serious or not...

    Only this part.

    I visited yer mom last night.

  • Only this part.

    While I agree winning the contest was lame, at least milo is trying to do the right thing and pass them off to someone who can use them, as he said he didnt know what the prize was.

    but continue the banter, im very sick and it made me lol so thanks for that.
  • AIPF wrote: »
    While I agree winning the contest was lame, at least milo is trying to do the right thing and pass them off to someone who can use them, as he said he didnt know what the prize was.

    but continue the banter, im very sick and it made me lol so thanks for that.

    Wait a think Milo listened to some music, presumably multiple times as he said it was picking out artists and songs in a "montage", and all that time the radio station refused to mention what prize they were playing for?

    If I sponsored that prize I'd be a might pissed.

    Hold on....are you Milo's mom?
  • Wait a think Milo listened to some music, presumably multiple times as he said it was picking out artists and songs in a "montage", and all that time the radio station refused to mention what prize they were playing for?

    If I sponsored that prize I'd be a might pissed.

    Hold on....are you Milo's mom?


    someone is looking for a fight!!! and no, i have no realtion to milo :arghh:
  • AIPF cannot be my Mom, as my Mom passed a couple years ago. "Visiting my Mom" is, therefore, a Euphemism.

    Listened to said montage twice. I never said the contest was difficult. And, no, I did not hear it mentioned before I won it, or I wouldn't have bothered. But I am funny that way. If someone asks a question, and I know the answer, I respond.

    I will stop now. Hope you feel better AIPF, and I will try to be amusing elsewhere, as this thread has gone off the deep end.
  • A couple of bannings would do this world some good... :) I can just imagine what a few new members or lurkers think this is about...
  • Cool . . . might do me some good to get away . . . feel free comp.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Cool . . . might do me some good to get away . . . feel free comp.

    You leaving, where ya heading to? A beach somewhere? night, look after things here until morning ok?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Cool . . . might do me some good to get away . . . feel free comp.

    WTF?! Are you serious? I thought we were having a mutually good natured pissfest. Jeezus man, I hope you're drinking heavily if you think I really hate you for not going to pick up some movie passes.

    Please don't make me go to the philli :D school ;) of :tongue: excessive :bs: emoticons :o usage :-X.
  • two way bluff imo.... :):) who blinks first.....
  • From an outsiders point of view, it really didn't come across as good natured. Pissfest for sure, but not good natured.
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