GBH Shootout Tournament - March 23rd

I think this is the first year Great Blue Heron has hosted shoot out tournaments? Anyone planning on playing? Its only $300 (+$50) but you start with 3,000 in chips (vs the regular monthly tournament 5,000 in chips).

One other shootout tournament scheduled for Aug. 3rd. I assume you earn less points for the lower buy-in tournaments towards the King of the Cards championship tournament?


  • Better have a ridiculously good structure, or else $300 = 3k chips = lolzzzz
  • They ran shoot out last year with a $550 buy in 5k starting chips and never sold out.

    Point structure for King Of Cards Invitational is different then a regular tournament.

    Structure for blinds and length of blinds is the same as all the no limit tournament.

    I will most likely play as I want to qualify for the King Of Cards Invitational an I am not sure how many tournaments I will be able to play this year at GBH
  • What kind of players do they get out to these Steve? I am looking at maybe going to one in June and would like to know what to expect.
  • I played this event on March 23rd. The event has pretty bad structure, 3000 chips, 25/50 starting , blinds 30 mins, the beginning of the event is just terribad, not much room to make moves. I did find that the players were mostly noobs, i'm a Blue Heron regular and I noticed only about 5-10% regulars and the rest of the 100 players were noobs. The players played terribad as well, they all played uber tight, so the best strategy is to play loose and aggressive which should do the job.
    I ended up coming 2nd on my table, I was kinda pissed cause I believe our table was one of the only tables that had an extra player (10, as apposed to 9 on the others) so I shoulda won my table if we didn't have the extra guy (oh well). I made a deal with the guy that won, I got 20% of his final table pay, he ended up 7th I believe and made 1300, I was only supposed to get 260 but he gave me 300$. I was pissed cause this guy was terrible, he played suuuuper tight at the final table and basically played a few hands only. If I would have made the final table, I woulda played a lot more loose and aggressive than the rest and I think I would have done a lot better than this guy.
    When it got to heads up on the first round, I was a 2-1 chip underdog and that's when I made the deal for 20%. I don't think anyone else came up with that idea, it seemed like everyone was suprised about what I did. Meanwhile i'm thinking..."who wouldn't try to make a deal?". Guy raised 4x from the puck and I had J10H and I called, leaving only 5 bbs, and the flop came low with 2 diamonds, and I figured that was my only way to win the 15 bb pot, so i shoved and he callde with K10D and binked the uneeded D on the turn, and gg.

    The Blue heron has a 1k event April 13 I believe, 10k starting chips, so a bit better of a structure. I think i'm gonna play, gg hopefully.

  • 1emerica1 wrote: »
    I played this event on March 23rd. The event has pretty bad structure, 3000 chips, 25/50 starting , blinds 30 mins, the beginning of the event is just terribad, not much room to make moves. I did find that the players were mostly noobs, i'm a Blue Heron regular and I noticed only about 5-10% regulars and the rest of the 100 players were noobs. The players played terribad as well, they all played uber tight, so the best strategy is to play loose and aggressive which should do the job.
    I ended up coming 2nd on my table, I was kinda pissed cause I believe our table was one of the only tables that had an extra player (10, as apposed to 9 on the others) so I shoulda won my table if we didn't have the extra guy (oh well). I made a deal with the guy that won, I got 20% of his final table pay, he ended up 7th I believe and made 1300, I was only supposed to get 260 but he gave me 300$. I was pissed cause this guy was terrible, he played suuuuper tight at the final table and basically played a few hands only. If I would have made the final table, I woulda played a lot more loose and aggressive than the rest and I think I would have done a lot better than this guy.
    When it got to heads up on the first round, I was a 2-1 chip underdog and that's when I made the deal for 20%. I don't think anyone else came up with that idea, it seemed like everyone was suprised about what I did. Meanwhile i'm thinking..."who wouldn't try to make a deal?". Guy raised 4x from the puck and I had J10H and I called, leaving only 5 bbs, and the flop came low with 2 diamonds, and I figured that was my only way to win the 15 bb pot, so i shoved and he callde with K10D and binked the uneeded D on the turn, and gg.

    The Blue heron has a 1k event April 13 I believe, 10k starting chips, so a bit better of a structure. I think i'm gonna play, gg hopefully.

  • Even the GBH 1k is basically a turbo, but that doesn't mean it's not sweet. F playing 17 hours for a withered local 1k that doesn't sell out. I'm almost certainly playing it next week btw, lol.
  • GBH $550's last a good 10 to 12 hours, and the $1100's last about 12 to 15 hours plus.

    also there has been many deals made in their shootout tournaments and at final tables
  • Do the 1k's actually last that long? I made final 15 one time and think I played 7-8 hours? Maybe I'm not remembering correctly. It starts at 10AM yea? I had to be gone by 6.
  • They can go that long.

    yes they start at 10am
  • How much different is the 1K structure from the 550?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    How much different is the 1K structure from the 550?

    Same blind levels at 30mins

    1K = 10k starting
    550 = 5k starting
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