Tournament security

I have started running a few games at various univertisies and as we grow, I am getting increasingly concerned.

We play a small stakes game, $25 buy in with rebuys, so maybe a total of $50 or so per person. We started with 15 or 18 people, so the cash involved was under $1000. Also, while the game was small, I knew most of the participants personally.

As we grow (we're up to 65) the money involved is growing. We're up over $2500 regularily and here's the problem. I don't take a rake, since this is actually no real cost to me. We hold our games in general use areas of campus and we're a hundred feet away from food.

I would like to figure out a way to reduce the level of cash or tighten up on the security. The problem with the first option is that not everyone can transfer funds electronically. There will be people there with cash and the problem still exists.

The second option increases our cost and as I mentioned, I don't take anything from the game. Even if I did, we are in a public space and we play for small amounts so taking 20% works out to $5 of the buy in. I would have all of $350 to work with and if I charge, I would likely have to serve food and get into that whole thing.

Anyone out there have any ideas?


  • And by the way, if any low-med skilled people on this forum are interested, please msg me privately and I will give you the deets.
  • This isn't quite the response I had hoped for. One more try.

    How might one secure a game with a bit o cash involved?
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