Canadian Poker Tour....How Does it Work?

Hey guys,

I've been out of Canada too long and have spent the past half hour going through the CPT . tv site, trying figure out how all this works and it isn't making a lot of sense.

So, I pose these question to the players here who have actually played some of these events:

1) Is the CPT just a collection of small to large events held at a variety of casinos across the country and not what I'd generally consider a poker tour to be (one-off, big, showcase events held periodically).

2) Are there any standard, annual events on the tour that your guys focus on entering?

3) Why the hell do they give out points for WSOP satellite qualifiers?

With so many weekly events listed in their schedule listed repeatedly, like the weekly $170 buy-in event at Deerfoot listed as a CPT event, I'm really having a hard time seperating the annual stuff from the rest, as the layout it pretty difficult to follow.

I'm assuming the Fallsview Classic, Alberta Poker Championship, Station Poker Classic, Chrome Classic, Grey Eagle Summer Classic, Stampede Classic, Grey Eagle Falls Championship, and the Great Blue Heron Fall Classic are the big events most players are looking to play.

Are there any more in your experience that you look forward to playing each year?

All help greatly appreciated, as I'm really confused at this point.


  • Bah, just noticed that Winnipeg series Wetts was selling action to isn't even listed. Isn't that CPT as well?
  • It doesn't

  • I think the CPT only runs in Alberta mostly. I don't know much about any of the events held at GBH or BCH
    No CPT events at Fallsview. All they have is the Fallsview Classic which as far as I know replaced the annual NAPC- WPT tournament in the fall.
    Probably has something to do with the silly gaming regulations in our part of the world.
    Windsor I also know very little about as it is run by Harrahs. Steve Kerr knows quite a bit I believe and maybe he can shed some light on this subject.
  • Thanks Ron. If I noticed, Steve is probably busy celebrating his birthday.

    It's funny though, because the CPT listed the 2011 Fallsview Classic on their schedule of events. I'm not sure if that means it's a point earning event or considered part of their tour.
  • I think they list most of the big tourneys on their site but as far as I know they are pretty much non existent here in Ontario. At least in the Bigger Casinos. Well there are only 3 . Rama, Windsor and Niagara.
    Not sure if they are linked up with the smaller ones. Wetts may know this also.
  • I noticed a sign at yellowhead the other night stating that they are no longer hosting cpt events.

    The cpt has never been a cohesive or well organized operation as far as I can tell from my couple of years in alberta.
  • @BuyinBank, I worked with them for a year and a half, will give you low down in next post, not enough time on coffee. There are event that are for lack of better words "cobranded" like the rgular Deerfoot and Grey Eagle. There are several majors that are actually held and organized by the CPT. The others may have some input from the tour, but generally all they are doiing is advertising for them. GBH in Ontario was "sanctioned" for points, not sure about now. 4 major casinos in alberta have pulled out in last six months and the stock has gone from .15 to .01 in past year.....brb.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I noticed a sign at yellowhead the other night stating that they are no longer hosting cpt events.

    The cpt has never been a cohesive or well organized operation as far as I can tell from my couple of years in alberta.

    Yeah, saw that sign too.....talked to a houseman about it, says they just weren't gaining anything being attached to CPT. They will still have their bi-yearly tourney series, and I wouldn't expect attendance to drop much. Maybe a few out-of-towners who come because of the CPT e-mail on events.....but most will still know of them.

    Heard Cash Casino in Calgary also dropped the CPT....they have a few big tourneys a year as well (one this past weekend).
  • Back. So, here is the scoop. There are events that are "CPT" events that the casinos like Deerfoot and RiverCree have a promotional/advertising agreement for and yes, most of their presence is in Alberta. I Basically these events all qualify for the players point competion, (see other thread about CPT championships). They charge $100 a year for a "players package" which includes the magazine, starter swag and in theory makes you eligible to compete in a Player of the Year type points tracking system, which has changed formats for how it is calculated every year, as did the championship game format. If a casino participates in this program, they are points eligable events. The Station Classic and Alberta Championship are events owned by the casino, with the CPT co branded to help promote and advertise. The Grey Eagle "Road to the WSOP" is the Grey Eagles event, which is a cash tourney with a Main Event Seat added to first place.

    3 years ago, they played the final game in the Dominican, but players had to buy-in and a 100k sponsership was added. Next, they put up 1 (100k) and 5 (20k+5k Media pack) in the 2009 finals, which you had to be in the top 50 to play plus a few "wild cards" that were ecentially special bounties thrown out ther to encourage membership sales and pissed of a ton of people when a wild card player won a sponsership in the finals (although deserved as she did place top 6 against a tough feild). Those that had traveled across the country trying to stay in the top 50 were not happy people were let in for knocking out a single player, or that a satellitte was run to let a few more in. This past year, the championship had a tiered buy-in and 50k added. Depending on where you finished, you got in for free, payed 500, payed 1000 or if you were out of the top 100 could buy-in for 2000 plus reg. This again pissed people off, because the money was not added to the prizepool to cover the tiered format, 1st place got 25k sponsership plus 14k, 2nd was set for 15k sponsership plus 2nd place money and 3rd a 10k sponsership. 70 people played it. If you win a sponsership, in previous years you had to ask to play an event, if they approved of the particular event then they would buy you in or remburse you, but they also owned 20% of your winnings. Some players did get sponsered for WSOP, for the simple fact the odds were there, but if you asked for 10k even as a sponsered player, they can play the card CPT sanctioned events only. The best for the tour is if it is an "owned event" where they get reg share. because basically, they just have put you in out of their cut.

    The Canadian Open Poker Championship and Stampede Classic are major events organized by the CPT. They basically make a deal with a hosting casino, assume some risk and throw a series. These event names basically "belong" to the CPT and are "signature" events. Almost Every province has "CPT sanctioned events" or did at one time, but larger fields and average buy-ins make Alberta the easiest way to accumulate points, where as the rest of the country has to travel or do very well in OLG events. BCPC and Fallsview are good examples of events that are not officially sanctioned, but they did advertise with the CPT and in return, they were allowed to sell memberships, although it is still very unclear as to whether or not Fallsview has had the CPT there activelly seeking new members. It really doesn't matter if the casinos opt in, if they get results they can award points and it is up to the powers controling the leaderboard. Fallsview in early 2010 was never advertised as qualifying for points, but when Gavin cleaned house, they added it. I have never seen CPT branding on either casinos ads or websites. Manitoba was in, from what I hear they are out. Yellowhead is now ou
  • I have never seen anything from the CPT at Fallsview the last 2 years during their Winter Classic.

    GBH has complained that they can't get anything from the CPT to put up so that players know their events are sanctioned for the CPT
  • Just reading this and it looks like CPT pretty much shot themselves in the foot with that Wild Card/Bounty thing. I really can't remember seeing anything at Fallsview about the CPT but I think a few years ago points were being awarded at Brantford ( Fall Classic or Harvest something) They had a major tournament every 4 months, I believe at the time. Still small fields.
    Not to take anything away from Alberta or any of the western provinces but It would make more sense to run the biggest events Here in Ontario. You have a larger pool of players and Fallsview has that Large Ballroom.
    I don't know about the size of the other rooms in Alberta. There are probably issues with the provincial governments. I think Ontario is pretty anal retentive compared to all others.
  • ontario's bigger casinos have always taken the hardline of why would we share with you when all we need to do is throw a large event and it will do ok. They aren't wrong, who in the poker world in Canada doesn't know when there is a large event coming. Advertising to albertans is useless, we are saturated with medium limit events and in all honest it is killing it for us, you miss one there is always next week, but the turnouts are never good enough to attract from the east. Copc was the exception, but had months of promotion and there again, they hiccups were predicted before hand by the true brains of the operation, their old manger of operations as were the solutions. He also thought trying to get the numbers that BCPC and Fallsview get was to big of a leap and was right on all counts. If the solutions such has shuttles and other things that were planned had been executed, it may have been better received. 1.7 million in prizepools after rake stil is pretty good, but I am curious to see if it will get people back this year. Savage added a 5k HU to LAPC, so did PCA, with much lower ME numbers than BCPC and PCA it's going o be hard to get the high rollers who will play multiple larger buy in events back now that the uniqueness of the HU is gone IMO. Not to mention PCA has online sats and with play now going live in BC, who knows if they will sat out BCPC, if they haven't already started to put it in place. Either way it will fill. Curious to see if Ontario makes the online move or goes NAPT....either way, what can the CPT provide them? Out reach to players stuffed full of local events. Nothing to gain for handing CPT a free meal. There is also a ton of gaming heat on CPT after gaming game approval to produce television and then online logos got dubbed in. Though technically the casino never affiliated, the impression to the public could be perceived that way and we all know the higher ups province to province talk, so why risk putting their necks out when they know the tricks pulled in the past.

    Would be great to see someone do it right though, people wanted it to happen, have our own tour..
  • If they have their own tour. It should be right across the country.
    I do believe we will have a government run poker site next year. This could change as right now it looks like Dalton and his Gang of Thugs will be dismissed in the upcoming elections in Nov. Who knows what is going to happen.
  • Hey jontm,

    Thanks for all the info. I'm still a little confused, but it's helped clarify a few points for me.

    I'd still like to hear from some of the players out there about which specific events are most popular with Canadian players right now. If it isn't the CPT, are there other events in Canada the players want to play annually?

    I'm guessing for Ontario, it would be Fallsview's big annual event, but are there any others? In BC, is it the BC Poker Classic? For Alberta, is it the Canadian Open Poker Championship and Stampede Classic?

    I'm currently working on a new program aimed at making entry into smaller buy-in events (say $200 to $2000) much easier for Canadians, so I'm just trying to figure out which events would appeal to the most people.

    I figured the CPT, because it has a good name and good branding, but it seems like the product might be somewhat lacking.

    So, which events would you suggest I target for BC, Alb, On, Qu, and out east?
  • COPC and Stampede classic are both good, players liked the structures. Alberta Poker Championships are also well run, Reginas events would be on the top of the list for hospitality and attendance in the prairies, but not the best structure. Winnipeg looks awsome, but its anybodies guess how the turnout will be.
    BCPC is by far the best tournament series in canada, fallsview right behind. Numbers wise BCPC is only slightly bigger, but the kicker is the amount of play offered.

    Road to the wsop is good, but bottom line, win any well attended $550 and you can go to the WSOP. the 10k is added and they get 300+ building the pot.

    Orgazinational and business flaws aside, there are a ton of great people on the tour, you will play against many of the same opponenets in different places, have a ton of fun. As far as the membership as long as you know not to expect everything to run like a clock and arent disapointed when things or venues change, should you make the top 50 you are getting good value as far as potential return. write it offf as a last longer that goes for a year

    Those are my thoughts.
  • I really don't have a problem with Fallsview's tourney structure.
    I know I have said this before. Problems were.
    Posted on website : Structures for bingo satties. None for the 3 events.
    Trying to get info out of them a couple of months prior to the Classic being run. Via Phone- email and in person.
    The fact that they let people come in and buy blocks of tickets for the super satties and then sat there and watched these douche bags sell them at an inflated price right in front of them made me want to puke.
  • this is how it works lately, post by another trophy winners friend on CPT facebook:
    CPT Prizes | Facebook
  • Is this also how it works?

    Just read about a 7-day cruise taking place in the Caribbean that's supposed to be taking place from April 3-10th for "Bronze players and above".

    Can only find a banner about this on the CPT website, but when I click the link it goes back to the CPT Finals page that took place in February. Apparently 888Poker has been running qualifiers to this Cruise since February.

    Anyone know if is this really happening? Anyone going?
  • BuyinBank wrote: »
    Is this also how it works?

    Just read about a 7-day cruise taking place in the Caribbean that's supposed to be taking place from April 3-10th for "Bronze players and above".

    Can only find a banner about this on the CPT website, but when I click the link it goes back to the CPT Finals page that took place in February. Apparently 888Poker has been running qualifiers to this Cruise since February.

    Anyone know if is this really happening? Anyone going?

    I believe this is in partnership with another poker entity....WPS or something like that.
  • World Poker Showdown, Herb Van Dyke is owner, can PM you number if you are intrested for your site. 888 has been good for filling seats, but the Canadian Poker Tour can't affiliate directly with online, Canadian Poker Player can. This is out of country so I believe they get more leaway.

    Cruise happens every year, not huge turn-outs, affordable sized tourneys and most people have a great time, more for a holiday than looking to make serious cash.
  • Thanks for the info guys.

    It's a bit late for me to put up any info on this one, but there's always next year.

    Just find it strange that they have a banner about the cruise on their homepage that links to the wrong page and I couldn't find any actual information about the event.
  • CPT In my opinion has no real organization for anything, and I am a CPT Member, and not impressed with the latest CPT stuff
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