Windsor Trip Report Feb. 21-22

On Family Day, SeektheGrail and I headed down to Windsor for a little gambooling. ReefAquarium was supposed to meet us there but we never saw him. The rooms were comped and everyone at check-in was using the same coupons we had. The rooms were very nice and good sized and we were in the original tower. This was best for us anyways because the original tower has the pool and is reasonably close to the poker room.

Anyways we get there around noon and SeektheGrail jumps on a new table while I take my time and wander around a bit. The 10 am tourney was fair sized and as people busted out, new cash tables were opening so I got on another new table shortly after.

The poker room is very nice and completely separate from the rest of the casino, with a dedicated cage. About 12 tables. There are daily tournaments at 10 am and 8 pm weekdays for $60 and on weekends they are $115. SeektheGrail played two tourneys, and chopped 3 ways in the 2nd one for about $300ish. I stuck to cash only and put in 11 hours on Mon and another 5 the next day.

The dealers were average to good. Didn't really see any bad dealers but in general they were pretty loose with good dealing techniques and a bit too chatty and slow. One dealer made change from the bad beat jackpot pile and didn't replace it from his tray, putting his tray out $5, which the next dealer immediately noticed. Another dealer pushed me the pot incorrectly, another almost flopped before action was complete, another almost forgot the exposed burn card and tried to burn a second time. Generally it was a lack of attention to the game which was creating these mistakes.

Anyways on to the action. In the early action I didn't really get anything going and eventually added on a second $200 buyin. I then built my stack back up to $350 or so and then lost a $800ish pot allin when my Kings full of Aces was beat by Aces full of Twos (ie my KK preflop raise was called by A2o). But such is life.

So I rebought again and eventually added the last $50 in my wallet as I lost some more fun hands where my AJ lost to 64o (same guy as A2o) and also my A8 lost a fair sized pot when some horrible player overcalled 3 handed with J10 for a $25 bet on a flop of 863 and the board ran out JJ.

Here is a key hand. You can tell me WWYD and what your read is and later I reveal the rest of the hand. New player to the table, posts UTG and then for her 2nd hand in an unraised pot we see a flop of A107. I forget how many limpers there were, lets say 5 handed just for fun. The new player is a platinum card holder and a clear reg as she knew several people at the table and she was also welcomed by name by the dealer, other than that I knew nothing about her, only 2 hands in. The flop is checked around and I am last to act with 44 and check. Turn is the 4, complete rainbow. Very solid player in the sb overbets the pot for $15 (a routine move for her), BB flats and everyone folds to me and I raise to $40 (essentially a pot sized bet). sb flats and now bb suddenly raises another $75, leaving $85ish behind. My stack covers her and sb covers me. WWYD and WDTH.

Anyways fast forward towards the end of my session and I'm down to my last $65 in chips and refuse to put anymore into the table (I'm in for $650). SeektheGrail busts out of the tourney and comes over to watch me double up with AA. Next hand I announce I'm playing the rush and call 5 handed for $12 with 78., Flop is 965. Bingo! I forget the betting but anyways the board also collects a 4 and on the river I end up allin 3 ways with the nut straight, which scoops against two weaker straights so boom back up to almost $400. I win a few more minor pots and cash out down about $250 after 11 hours. So erase the $800 pot I lost and it wasn't too bad.

In general, as I have noticed on previous trips to Windsor, the tables are loaded with action seeking Greeks who like to play with lots of cash on the table. $5-$15 UTG dark bets were common and I saw a $100ish pot completely played dark btwn two players. It wasn't a total flipament - it actually included post flop dark betting.

Then we headed to the craps table but no luck and we both lost about $200 ea. $5 min with 5x odds and a $5 flat bet on 5 or 9 is allowed 6x odds. Slightly better than Brantford.

Next day SeekTheGrail chops the 10 am tourney 3 ways, as I said earlier and I grind out a $200ish win at the cash tables over 5 hours. So with my craps losses, I end up down exactly down $250.

A few other notes. Rake is 10% max $5 and a $1 BBJ drop. Windsor uses the annoying moving button rule (no dead blinds and the button must always be in front of a live player) so if the small blind busts and quits or sits out then there are two BBs and the sb is posted on the button and this continues for 3 hands until the blinds are back to normal. Straddles are dead, but frequently used, as noted earlier. You can not buy the button.

The lunch buffet was $17.99, decent but not exceptional - although the desserts were phenomenal. By far the best desserts I have seen at any buffet ever. On weekends after 9pm you can have just dessert and coffee for $9.99 and would recommend.

A worthwhile trip and we would both do it again sometime.


  • Don't think I'm folding a set (albeit bottom set) against any 1/2 players IMO with this stack size - obviously discounting abnormal circumstances

    And I might just have to check this out should I go down to Detroit in April
  • Exactly what westside said. Stack sizes the way they are, in a 1/2 casino game im never mucking here. His wake up out of nowhere raise should be 1010 or 77 I guess, but I am still never folding.
  • really depending more how deep you actually are say $200 or less, id get it in, at 1/2 chances are they would not check around a set, your probably crushing a range of a10 or a7....also whats $200 worth to your bankroll?? (there to gamble)....was there 2-5 action moose? ive been thinking of going for that, you get far different action than 1-2
  • Nice TR Moose. Wish I could have made it.

    As for the hand if question: Looks like the SB has Ax. Barring an superhuman read on the BB (which I know you are capable of) I ship my stack here. If she's slowplaying 77 or 10 then vnh.
  • Only two hands in I had to go with the betting pattern and I could not put her on any hand other than a set when she flat called the opener and then 3 bet me. No other hand made sense. Also I could not discount the opener when she flatted my raise because sb was a strong player. Heads up, I would have shipped. I would have shipped if the bb had raised but the flat first, then 3 bet stunned me. Given the sb's stack size it was either fold or ship, I had $42 committed to the pot and it would have been another $160ish to ship. But of course sb open folded AQ and bb shows A7 so I took a little walk mumbling to myself. Maybe I was too tired or maybe I had taken too many bad beats that day.
  • moose wrote: »
    Only two hands in I had to go with the betting pattern and I could not put her on any hand other than a set when she flat called the opener and then 3 bet me. No other hand made sense. Also I could not discount the opener when she flatted my raise because sb was a strong player. Heads up, I would have shipped. I would have shipped if the bb had raised but the flat first, then 3 bet stunned me. Given the sb's stack size it was either fold or ship, I had $42 committed to the pot and it would have been another $160ish to ship. But of course sb open folded AQ and bb shows A7 so I took a little walk mumbling to myself. Maybe I was too tired or maybe I had taken too many bad beats that day.

    Yeah, you were giving her to much credit. Meh, that's poker.
  • moose wrote: »
    Maybe I was too tired or maybe I had taken too many bad beats that day.

    Probably just giving them too much credit to be thinking players. TPTK/Any two pair can be played like the nuts to alot of 1/2 players when most "thinking" players would only take those lines with a polarized range.
  • moose wrote: »
    Only two hands in I had to go with the betting pattern and I could not put her on any hand other than a set when she flat called the opener and then 3 bet me. No other hand made sense. Also I could not discount the opener when she flatted my raise because sb was a strong player. Heads up, I would have shipped. I would have shipped if the bb had raised but the flat first, then 3 bet stunned me. Given the sb's stack size it was either fold or ship, I had $42 committed to the pot and it would have been another $160ish to ship. But of course sb open folded AQ and bb shows A7 so I took a little walk mumbling to myself. Maybe I was too tired or maybe I had taken too many bad beats that day.

    lets just say you did it right going for a walk, and not steaming it all away on a bad fold! the most important or mistake people make these days (and old days) is sitting and steaming it off thinking its going to get better or change, more often than not you will gamble more or play worse, as for gambling thats fine in its own way, taking the walk is great, my option when i lose something rough online i just shut it all down and walk the dog!!!! the dog ends up the winner lol, she doesnt know whats going on, she just knows its time to walk!
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Don't think I'm folding a set (albeit bottom set) against any 1/2 players IMO with this stack size - obviously discounting abnormal circumstances

    And I might just have to check this out should I go down to Detroit in April

  • Moose - quick question about your Windsor comps. Did you have to visit it once before you started receiving offers? Or did you have offers from your Vegas play?
  • The room comps came from my slot playing mamamoose. I get 10% off Via rail trips to Windsor - she gets free tix and they pay for the cab ride too. I did earn about $17 worth of comps at the tables but it is hand tracked and you have no idea how accurate it is. Also if you forget to sign out - kiss the comps you earned goodbye.
  • Just noticed this TR this morning. If it's who I think it was (perhaps a larger woman) then I was going to say it's A7 or A10 as she loves to check two pair on the flop then come hard when action hits on the turn or river.
  • moose wrote: »
    The room comps came from my slot playing mamamoose. I get 10% off Via rail trips to Windsor - she gets free tix and they pay for the cab ride too. I did earn about $17 worth of comps at the tables but it is hand tracked and you have no idea how accurate it is. Also if you forget to sign out - kiss the comps you earned goodbye.

    So the comp came from your Windsor play and not your Vegas play.
  • Not my play.
  • westside8 wrote: »
    so the comp came from mmoose windsor play and not your vegas play.

  • Nope that's my wife.
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