Ultimate Bet stake



  • i dont have a webcam i dont think that picture would be possible
    but im definitely not here trying to scam
  • what site is the forum game on ?
  • thanks for the support and stake for the game tonight. name with held to prevent the doner from getting asked again.

    feralD wrote: »
    i dont have a webcam i dont think that picture would be possible
    but im definitely not here trying to scam
    See feral, Prophet posted the pic and got a stake. Are you not smart enough to do it?
    feralD wrote: »
    what site is the forum game on ?

  • if it's on UB of FTP, would anyone be able to get me into that one please ?
  • As an aside, I have small pieces of few folks in the FTOPS Main Event.

    A win for any of them = 5-10k for me. :D
  • and i'll pay you back the money plus a couple extra next week
  • feralD wrote: »
    and i'll pay you back the money plus a couple extra next week

    How about a link to your facebook?
  • my buddy is in that with 2 entries right now
  • i dont have facebook sry
  • but if it's a loan and not a stake, i'll pay you for sure
    im loading on full tilt and UB next week
  • Ok we'll give you until 9:30 to comply with the picture request, otherwise bu bye... No use begging, everyone else here did as asked, you are not getting an exception...
  • feralD wrote: »
    my buddy is in that with 2 entries right now

    So if your buddy is so well off, why won't he stake or loan you? Could he perhaps know something we don't?
  • online buddy
    not a personal acquaintance
  • I got a stake from folks at this site. All I had to do was show a profit over 400 games and guarantee I'd pay back their stake. Oh and I played in a bunch of live games from the forum, won two fo them, and met a lot of the regulars of the forum.

    I had to give the vultu, err I mean, most generous people here 50% of my winnings. And even after all that, and making them more than double their stake, they still wouldn't stake me in the FTOPS main event, even though, I wouldn't put any of my own money on the line.
    Sheesh. Good luck with getting the stake, or banned, whichewver comes first.
  • feralD wrote: »
    online buddy
    not a personal acquaintance

    You don't have any real friends? only 12 min left to comply, then buh bye...
  • i dont mind sending back 60%-80% of the profits
    just want to get in a game and win
  • are you saying that if i dont send you a picture of what you have requested in the next few minutes, you are going to ban me from this page ?
  • compuease wrote: »
    So if your buddy is so well off, why won't he stake or loan you? Could he perhaps know something we don't?

    his buddy is eddy who finished highschool and college got a job andplays the occassional tournaments
  • feralD wrote: »
    are you saying that if i dont send you a picture of what you have requested in the next few minutes, you are going to ban me from this page ?

    You got it... Now if you say you are going to do as we ask I may give you an extension... Hurry..
  • First of all. To come on a forum like this unknown and asking for backers IMO is pretty silly. Especially if no one knows you.
    If you play on UB that's even worse lol.
    Some of us backed a guy in Dec. Because we all know him and we all have played together.
    He also guaranteed we would get our money back if he lost. Which we did along with the shares of his winnings.
    Because we all know him and had faith in him to keep his word and had no reason to doubt him we backed him.
    I am not going to hand money over to someone I do not know and you are going to be hard pressed to find anyone here that would not say the same thing.
    Good luck with that.
  • Jessica Alba is my girlfriend...online.
  • i just came here in hopes of getting a $10 - $60 stake :|
  • I can't believe I left.... made Chicken Parmesan (it was lovely by the way) and came back to find this still smoldering. This feral fellow is a new hero of mine.

    Comp, someday you're going to have to grant one of us the pleasure of being able to post "fire" and you push the ban button.
  • Maybe we should build a PFC Chicken cannon.

    You The Man Whoopie.???
  • Comp, someday you're going to have to grant one of us the pleasure of being able to post "fire" and you push the ban button.
    How about at 9:30 if the "fellow" doesn't comply with forum rules? You get to "fire"...
  • compuease wrote: »
    How about at 9:30 if the "fellow" doesn't comply with forum rules? You get to "fire"...

    YES! Oh please god let him stick around begging until then. I swear, before I'm put in the ground I'll go to church one more time.
  • feralD wrote: »
    i just came here in hopes of getting a $10 - $60 stake :|

    How about a $200. stake?
  • YES! Oh please god let him stick around begging until then. I swear, before I'm put in the ground I'll go to church one more time.

    That I gotta see......
  • I didn't say I'd be breathing at said church. I said before I'm put "in the ground", I'll attend...

    Unless you meant him sticking around... That's possible with only 40 minutes to go. He's shown his marathon-ness begging skills to be rather strong. I lived in Vancouver for over 15 years and I saw some serious skills.
  • i made lasagne
    pretty good
This discussion has been closed.