Post # 6,000 . . .

Well, I hope this is not considered "wasting" it . . .

I first found this site in 2004. I signed up under the pseudonym Phred while on midnights at my former employer. I was Foreman and thus had time to lurk, and occasionaly post. I purchased Dave Scharf's book because of his posts here, and the addiction started . . .

I got better at my job, and thus had more time to post, which led to losing my job (imagine - they wanted me to do more work instead of hanging out in cyber-space with you degens), and so I was gone for a while.

New job, and a new pseudonym, and I was back on the Forum in 2007, after coming to terms with my mild form of OCD. A few of the originals had departed (Scharf, Devo, etc.), but a new group of people had managed to keep the "community" feel going.

This site is a wonderful collection of disparate people and personalities. We have degenerate gamblers, shrewd poker players, rough-edged curmudgeons, overly opinonated know-it-alls, and complete idiots (why is everyone looking at me like that?). Yet we all manage to (sort of) get along. Hell, we even have WOMEN here . . . on the INTERNET . . . in a non-porn capacity.

The site has many facets, so literally anybody can find something to keep them around, if they look hard enough. I am to someone like SirWatts, as Str82ace is to someone like Tiger Woods . . . we may be playing the same game, but the level at which we play is slightly different (again with the strange looks). Yet, everybody pitches in (even if it's Mark's pants) when someone is looking for help. I have told my wife on many occasions that I have never actually played with/against someone on this site, whom I would say I actively dislike. I have met some wonderful people, had some great times, and cannot wait to see what is around the corner.

So, a huge "Thank You" to all who's paths I have crossed, and to those who have helped to educate me in some way, shape, or form. A special thanks to Scoops for keeping this place up and running, so we all have a place to call our own.



  • darbday wrote: »

    And here's "his" first post, back in Aug 2004... Kinda unspectacular it was...

    James Bond was Canadian

    The man's name was Sir William Stephenson. You can read about him in the book, "A Man Called Intrepid." :spade:
  • Nice job on not wasting the milestone post Milo. And I'm not being sarcastic.

    So, you're a multi accounter eh? Hmm. I say ban 'im.
  • Hey . . . easy there Bill, I'm just too old to remember my original password . . .

    That was my first one, back in '07? Really? Can you find Phred's first ever post?
  • I think that is '04.
  • Milo wrote: »

    rough-edged curmudgeons,
    screw you!
    Milo wrote: »
    overly opinonated know-it-alls, and complete idiots (why is everyone looking at me like that?).
    Screw YOU!!!
    Milo wrote: »
    Hell, we even have WOMEN here . . . on the INTERNET . . . in a non-porn capacity.
    which, in my humble opinion, is a HUGE waste and talent of our own Shar!!
    Milo wrote: »
    as Str82ace is to someone like Tiger Woods
    I could say screw you again, but you've seen my golf, so yea

    Well done Milo. For a 6000th post, this one pretty much sums it all up here.
  • Milo wrote: »
    That was my first one, back in '07? Really? Can you find Phred's first ever post?
    That was Phred's 1st post...
  • 6000 posts and no Banishment to the CORN FIELD . lol
    Actually well put Milo. I think you have summed it up as close as anyone could get it.
  • Yeah . . . not ever getting banned is my one failing. lolz . . .

    side note: I got banned on P5's within my first week of posting. I had the nerve to suggest that positive review of DN's new book might be a "level". Hello 48 hr. sit-out.
  • 6000 posts meh, so 2008
  • You were Phred? I hated that douchbag :D
  • I miss the old Milo :/

    And the Milo that got into it with Kristy all the time.:)

    But the new milo calling himself a loser in a thread was great!.

    But alas the ole Milo is missed............
  • congratz on your 6000th :)
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