questions about ceasars windsor

not like im going tomorow or anything just wondering about the action there on say thursdays and fridays, might take sometime in march, unsure right now, thinking 2-5 no limit holdem, perhaps 5-10 or tourneys that they run daily nightly....good turnouts? nits? gamblers anyone ever go looking for some fun mostly but good play is encouraged of course...after going to vegas and sitting at 2-5 with people who enjoy the game and not nits, i feel totally energized compared to the lack of in canada for the most part, rakes increasing and tourney screw-ups etc..



  • From my experience, there is usually only 1 2-5 table going, and on rare occasions a 5-10 game. I haven't sat in either game so I can't tell you what the game is like. As far as the 1-2 action goes, there are usually at least 2 or 3 tables going and gets busier in the early evening. Tourneys are usually 4 to 5 tables and not a bad structure.

    If you are looking for a vegas experience in Ontario, good luck!! This will not be what you are looking for!

    Hope that helps a bit.
  • Moose was just there recently - read trip report in B&M section for more details.
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