Getting a Flight to Vegas
I've got a free hotel room at Treasure Island for the May 24 weekend. Just wondering if anyone was tips on cheap flights to vegas? I'm checking expedia and other sites like that but the flights are around $500, not bad, but I've been told you can get cheaper. Just wondering others much?....and where you got the flight from?
Direct flight. (Toronto, Air Canada was $604.00)
There are cheaper i think out of Buffalo, but, with stop overs etc and average travel time of 9-10 hrs as opposed to 5.
Same as Buffalo, hotels near the airport will let you park for free during your trip which basically pays for your room.
I booked directly through
Trip sucked ass on the way there, 8 hours and stops in Norfolk and Baltimore. Return was direct.
This was for Superbowl weekend last year so it was a peak period just book early.
And we got a hotel with parking near the airport for $49 US and free parking for the week.