Yoda IV: A new hope
If there's anything worth reading in here, i tribute it to vekked.....taking other peoples shove charts takes the fun out of it is something like what he said...
This one comes with a giant disclaimer as it controversial (maybe) and im new to it....but i learned Something typing it up and might learn more sharing it.....
This one comes with a giant disclaimer as it controversial (maybe) and im new to it....but i learned Something typing it up and might learn more sharing it.....
From the art of war:
If you prepare to the front you will be weak to the back
If you prepare to the back you will be weak to the front
If you prepare to all sides you will be weak to all sides.
Master Yoda, I hear other Jedi talking.....what is an unexploitable shove?
Ahhh seek to destroy the sith you do? Searching for the best way you are.....
Is unexploitable shove the best way.?
Neutral way it is, 'best' way it is not....
Well should I learn it then or can you just teach me the best way?
Teach you the best way I cannot, experience it you must........but first......learn the neutral way you must..
Why Yoda?
I don't understand?
Soon you will....here, Yoda will give you this......useful later it will be:
The Interrelationship of Jedi vs Sith
If the Jedi's attack is neutral, the Sith's defense must be neutral
If the Jedi's defense is neutral, the Sith's attack must be neutral
If the Sith's attack is neutral, the Jedi's defense must be neutral
If the Sith's defense is neutral the Jedi's attack must be neutral
If the Jedi's attack is too tight he loses
If the Jedi's attack is too loose he loses
If the Jedi's defense is too tight he loses
If the Jedi's defense is too loose he loses
If the Sith's defense is too tight the Jedi gains
If the Sith's defense is too loose the Jedi gains
If the Sith's attack is too tight the Jedi gains
If the Sith's attack is too loose the Jedi gains
The Jedi advantage
If the Sith's attack is too loose the Jedi will gain if he opens up his defense
If the Sith's attack is too tight the Jedi will gain if he tightens up his defense
If the Sith's defense is too tight the Jedi will gain when he opens up his attack
If the Sith's defense is too loose the Jedi will gain when he tightens up his attack
After learning the neutral attack both the Jedi and the Sith's weaknesses can become the Jedi's strengths.
After learning the neutral attack and the neutral defense, the Jedi's defense can become his greatest attack.
yoda is not that powerful.....bazingo!
kiddin gl!
bury them all
edit: nevermind left it in