GBH Deepstack Feb 9th

$750 + $75 Buy In
15k Starting Stack
30min Blinds

I just registered for this and I am #80. Sell out is 110 players, so if you are thinking about going to this, I suggest you get your seat this week.


  • I'll see you there. I think they go from 110 down now. Registered last week and was 95.
  • actyper wrote: »
    I'll see you there. I think they go from 110 down now. Registered last week and was 95.

    Strange. They usually count up.
  • Sorry for the confusion guys. Yes they are working backwards on the sales lists. We are working on getting online sales together and it works better to meet in the middle when its up and running. The word around the casino is this one will sell out fast. So don't delay.
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