Going to FoxWoods November Nine Reunion, TR to come

Pretty stoked, never been to Foxwoods, or the eastern states for that matter.

Flying to Montreal, headed to Playground Poker Club, prob check out the other 2 clubs as well. The next morning headed to Foxwoods for this "reunion event" on the 8th, all of the November 9 will be playing in a 27 player free roll as part of their mega Deep stack series. 18 players will have get drawn in from ballots taken when players cash in the events leading up to it.

Series starts Feb 4th.

My trip report prob want be as in depth as some, going to be a fast trip, but I will take in as much as I can about the scene and start a thread, haven't seen a ton on Foxwoods here and it seems like a reasonable road trip for eastern players.
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