Manitoba's first large series, April

Here is something closer to the middle. First one, so hopefully it does well.
The poker manager was quick to respond to questions so always a good sign.

Local cash game action doesn't seem to go much higher than 5-10 DC, but they said they will spread higher if interest. All your standard 1/2,2/5 etc are of course popular. Still playing some Limit with kill Or half kill smaller, and at bigger stakes for those that like. Omaha 8 is a regular game, I had fun playing this in Regina, 5/10 FL. Max buys for pot and nl games are 200bb and They are spreading PLO regularly.

They are running sats and have been since January, weekly MTT, at $100 buy in across two properties and will continue for the next few months, so that should build the pot. The ad is pasted below, they are running under 10% admin on two of the events, hopefully the full 10% on the $1000 is to compensate for labour costs of providing longer and deeper play...

They are providing shuttles to from the participating hotels, with player rates also organized. Souvineer/gift and meal provided to players on day ones of events (still a little foggy myself on what events are multi day )

Manitoba Lotteries wants to deal you in at their first major, large-prize Texas Hold’Em Tournament.
Take home a piece of the $527,500* total prize pool!

April 7 - $600 BUY IN - $165,000 ($50 Admin fee)
April 8 - $275 BUY IN - $62,500 ($25 Admin fee)
April 9 - $1,100 BUY IN - $300,000 ($100 Admin fee)


  • Are the structures for these posted anywhere?
  • I have a few more questions for the house will try to get structures.

    I was also wrong, Was up too late I guess, it is full 10% reg, 550+50, 250+25, etc.

    It appears the player cap is 300 for both the 550 and 1100 me, but i am like 90% that both will take 2 days to play to completion, not that it is multiple start days, so should be good structure.

    Keep you posted.
  • Great. Sounds like a possible road trip.
  • know this much so far:

    Both games will play down on Day One until fity players are left or 2:00am hits, whichever comes first. The first day will see thirty minute levels for the five hundred fifty dollar event and forty-five minute levels for the one thousand dollar event. Day two’s will see the blind level clocks extended, giving a generous forty five minutes for the smaller buy-in and a full hour between increases for the main event.
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