Dakota Dunes (Saskatoon) TR

Had a business trip to the booming metropolis of Saskatoon Saskatchewan.

Managed to get some free time this past Thursday evening, so I found my way out to Dakota Dunes.

So I leave my hotel, get the location of the casino and plug it into my phone......on my way. Temperature is a balmy -30C....takes about 45 minutes to get to the casino (about 25k outside city limits on native land).

Casino itself is pretty nice......poker room, however, left a little to be desired. 4 tables, located behind a partition wall....locals were talking of expansion (ie. pushing the wall out), and getting 2 more tables.

There were 2 games going.....1-2 (100-500) which was full with a waiting list....and 2-5 (200-1000).....running 8 handed at the moment. I check my wallet....it equals $260...I ask where the bank machine was....sounds too far away, so I decide to buy in short to the 2-5 game.

Definately not the tightest locals I have ever come across (everyone seemed to know who everyone else was). Witnessed multiple 3 barrell bluffs....river calls of $100 snap called by an underpair to the board (and was good obv.). There were two rocks to my left, everyone else were extremely LAG.

Decided the best plan of action was to play TAG. This is literally the first hand I play, oribited probably twice.

LAG UTG raised to 15....next guy calls, folded to me on the button with A9 sooooooted, I call, and so do the blinds.

Flop comes down AK9, with two hearts. Checked to UTG, he bets out $55, next guy smooth calls. I decide to risk a little here due to my shortstack, and just call. One of the blinds calls also.

Turn, black 4....gets checked to the guy in front of me, who bets out $85......at this point, I figure I've gambled enough, and jam in for just shy of a hundred more......gets folded to the bettor, he's sure he's beat, but says he bet too much and can't fold........shows AJ, I dodge the K and J, and more than double up.

Didn't get involved in any other big pots, ended up cashing out for $630 after 3 hours of play for a tidy $370 profit.

For the smokers, there's a fully glassed off slot area inside that allows smoking.


  • Thanks for the TR
  • +1

    Now you gotta come south in March so you can write one about Regina ;)
  • Sharantyr wrote: »

    Now you gotta come south in March so you can write one about Regina ;)

    Any buzz in Regina about Manitoba's station classic? The traffic to the station in Regina from Manitoba is usually huge, wondering if they can expect many players in April. Multi day format, usually popular. Sounds like 5/10 dc and Omaha is highest stakes.

    Going to contact poker manager for more info, be curious to see if they get close to Reginas numbers for their first big Manitoba event
  • Ty for TR T8urmoney. Been hearing Saskatoon is looking to get in the tourney scene more too, good for players to get a heads up on room. Nice to see these events are moving more to the middle of the country. Edmonton will always see good numbers, Calgary is so saturated now, the games is always there, but the numbers are never as impressive, copc aside.
  • Makes me sick that there's a 2 5 going on a weeknight in the middle of nowhere and I'm stuck playing 1 2 in Edmonton. Not that Edmonton is a booming metropolis but c'mon.

    Guess I should just be happy that short term variance has made my Edmonton 1 2 winrate eclipse my lifetime 2 5 rate.
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