Part III The Empire Strikes Back

Playing 2/5 at EPT Bahamas when the following situation came up. Player to my left pushes all-in and I call on the flop. I have AQ and other player has JQ on a board of Q102 K A. After the river card, I show my AQ (for two pair) and the other player does not turn over his card and pushes them over the line towards the dealer. The dealer is about to grab his cards when another player at the table says out loud,"if you have a jack you hit a straight". Player grabs his cards back, and look at the first card and then the second and turns over a jack and collects the pot (he also shows the queen). To me I was fairly certain the player intended on folding his hand face down, if not for the jackass with the big mouth.

Question: At most casinos, when is a hand considered dead:

i) when it passes the line
ii) when the dealer touches the cards (assuming they have passed the line already)
iii) when it touches the other cards in the muck (either by the dealer or the player's action)

Do casinos typically have different rules for when a hand is considered dead or is it standard in most casinos?


  • Look Jah, this is stupid and childish and you are annoying me... Quit reposting the same question. You are just trying to stir up sh*t and it takes time for me to moderate all this crap. I am fine with bantering and prodding back and forth but only in "friendly" manner. What you are doing is harrassing me as much as DrTyore's and GTA's comments to you were.

    /thread.. moderator out!
  • Me? My comments were observational and witty!

    Also, clearly an ego stroke at this point.... Jah, I'm sure your penis is huge.

  • Also...

    The empire strikes back should only be used in regards to the 2nd or the 5th in the series, depending on if you prefer canonical timeline, or chronological release dates.

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    The empire strikes back should only be used in regards to the 2nd or the 5th in the series, depending on if you prefer canonical timeline, or chronological release dates.

    potd... in a factual sort of way..
  • compuease wrote: »
    potd... in a factual sort of way..

    Oh SNAP!

    And that's moderator approved POTD bitches! :)

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Oh SNAP!

    And that's moderator approved POTD bitches! :)


    lol, which gets you exactly.... the same is if it wasn't.

    Man this job is tough at times.. wish I could afford to give up the pay..

    And I know why AJ dumped it a while back...
  • Just ban Jah...

    Pretty sure cross-posting / reposting is a no no isn't it?

  • compuease wrote: »
    lol, which gets you exactly.... the same is if it wasn't.

    Man this job is tough at times.. wish I could afford to give up the pay..

    And I know why AJ dumped it a while back...

    We'll get you a whip and a chair later . . . Quite sure Kristy has a spare laying around . . . :D

    Oh, and I quite agree with Mark, the third attempt should have used
    Return of the Jah-di at the very least . . .
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Just ban Jah...

    Pretty sure cross-posting / reposting is a no no isn't it?


    Go ahead. If cross posting is ban worthy while saying you want to fuck someone's mother is not, go ahead, ban away. Probably a lot easier to delete the new threads... how hard can that be?

    Better yet, find someone who actually knows how to use this software. Prevent GTA Poker from posting in any thread started by me and vise versa. This will save a lot of aggrevation on everyone's part. I have no inclination to post in any of his thread's anymore. I would appreciate the same courtesy.

    I had no intent in stirring up any shit with GTA when I started the original thread. Of course he had to chime in with his two cents worth, which started the ball rolling and got my thread off topic.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Go ahead. If cross posting is ban worthy while saying you want to fuck someone's mother is not, go ahead, ban away. Probably a lot easier to delete the new threads... how hard can that be?

    Better yet, find someone who actually knows how to use this software. Prevent GTA Poker from posting in any thread started by me and vise versa. This will save a lot of aggrevation on everyone's part. I have no inclination to post in any of his thread's anymore. I would appreciate the same courtesy.

    I had no intent in stirring up any shit with GTA when I started the original thread. Of course he had to chime in with his two cents worth, which started the ball rolling and got my thread off topic.

    I don't doubt this part (bolded)

    But when you started thread two and three, you did it for one of two reasons

    A: Hoping someone would outright agree with you and throw accolades or condolences at your cyberfeet


    B: Start shit with people.

    BTW - other people's stupidity is not justification for your own. We're not 5, don't pull out a "he started it".


    P.S. - your mama
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    But when you started thread two and three, you did it for one of two reasons

    I did it because Part I was blocked and I felt the discussion had not concluded. Part III was the result of Part II getting off track, again. I guess there is no reason in starting Part IV. My bad on the Star Wars reference.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I did it because Part I was blocked and I felt the discussion had not concluded. Part III was the result of Part II getting off track, again. I guess there is no reason in starting Part IV. My bad on the Star Wars reference.

    The discussion was resolved, you just didn't like the answer.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    The discussion was resolved, you just didn't like the answer.


    You hit the nail on the head there Mark.
  • Yup, he nailed that Mother . . . :o
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    The discussion was resolved, you just didn't like the answer.


    Not sure how you conclude this? I have not disagreed with any of the points made. I'm purely interested in the discussion of the topic at hand.
  • Then allow me to recap the discussion:

    Jah: When is a hand "technically" dead?

    Forum: When the House rules say it is.

    Jah: No rules were posted about this.

    Forum: Then the hand is dead when the Floor says it is dead.

    Jah: Okay, but . . .

    Forum: STFU, already . . .

    I think that about sums up everything, aside from any post-coital recriminations that various Moms may suffer.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Yup, he nailed that Mother . . . :o

  • FINALLY !!! Hi, GTA . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    FINALLY !!! Hi, GTA . . .

    Oh hai der.

    Sorry I'm late to the party...been travelling the world losing at 2 5 and being perplexed by the simple construct of the game of poker.
  • Did ya thunk that GTA was not going to show up on this thread. LOFL

    And I am agreeing with Mark this time. Shall we move on..

    Hey GTA . How Ya doin ?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »

    Coco brought it back!
  • F'*** all you guys, I'm off duty for the evening, heading to Kerr's place to play some poker.. Try and keep it civil around here... Shar has promised to keep you all under control while I'm gone...
  • compuease wrote: »
    heading to Kerr's place to play some poker..

    may the force be with you....
  • You are a wild and crazy guy.
    Rock On Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Shar has promised to keep you all under control while I'm gone...

    Oh Thank God! Been waiting to post my Dom/Sub pics from Christmas!!!
  • Let's just say:
  • Let's just say:

    Hand is clearly "live" . . .
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