Part II

Playing 2/5 at EPT Bahamas when the following situation came up. Player to my left pushes all-in and I call on the flop. I have AQ and other player has JQ on a board of Q102 K A. After the river card, I show my AQ (for two pair) and the other player does not turn over his card and pushes them over the line towards the dealer. The dealer is about to grab his cards when another player at the table says out loud,"if you have a jack you hit a straight". Player grabs his cards back, and look at the first card and then the second and turns over a jack and collects the pot (he also shows the queen). To me I was fairly certain the player intended on folding his hand face down, if not for the jackass with the big mouth.

Question: At most casinos, when is a hand considered dead:

i) when it passes the line
ii) when the dealer touches the cards (assuming they have passed the line already)
iii) when it touches the other cards in the muck (either by the dealer or the player's action)

Do casinos typically have different rules for when a hand is considered dead or is it standard in most casinos?


  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Question: At most casinos, when is a hand considered dead:

    i) when it passes the line
    ii) when the dealer touches the cards (assuming they have passed the line already)
    iii) when it touches the other cards in the muck (either by the dealer or the player's action)

    Do casinos typically have different rules for when a hand is considered dead or is it standard in most casinos?

    lol here we go again... At MOST casinos it's when the dealer sweeps them into the muck or when player throws them into the muck face down. I don't think I have even played in a casino that uses a line for ruling your hand dead, only a betting line. IMO that line (if there is one) is only for betting purposes and usually causes further confusion.

    We'll try and keep this one a little closer to the topic at hand ok?
  • Yes to the line being there for betting purposes. I know for sure in Regina, it is dead when it hits the muck cards. I would have to check if it was as soon as the dealer touches them though.
  • jeesh guys I am having trouble typing this while rotfl....

    And I have no idea how to handle this... Thanks Shar for at least trying to keep it respectable...
  • compuease wrote: »
    jeesh guys I am having trouble typing this while rotfl....

    And I have no idea how to handle this... Thanks Shar for at least trying to keep it respectable...

    Well I can't tell Jah I did his mum too....

  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    Well I can't tell Jah I did his mum too....


    Kristy might of, if she were still here at least... :)

    I'm going to turn in now. I may be afraid to open this thread in the morning..

    Shar, please keep the lunatics locked in while I'm gone ok?
  • LOL. What makes you think I am not one of em? But I will do my best sir!
  • House rules - everywhere is different.

    Even in house - each dealer would explain situation differently to floor, each floor person will interpret it different.


  • Given that the actual answer was expained ad nauseum in the first thread, my interpretation is that the OP is now asking for a more personal definition of a dead hand. Whenever a novice player asks this of me I have to refer them to this:

    The Sick Read

    While the exact moment that this hand became dead is debatable, the adherence to the definiton certainly is not.

    Dead hand ftw.

    Oh. Although I'm trying to be nice...

    ...I now did her thrice.
  • I can state, categorically the Philli's, Jah's, and GTA's Moms are above reproach, and would never have cavorted in such a wanton manner, and certainly NOT with Mark.

    As for Mark's Mom, well, we all know that he didn't have one, having been raised by Mario . . .

    Kristy likes Moms, and apparently hers makes wicked good cookies, although I have never personally tasted her cookies (oops, that might be misinterpreted . . .) because that meanie won't bring any to the Royal for me.

    The hand is dead when the Dealer/Floor/House rules say its dead, and not before.

    Do we really have to go through this BS again?
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