GBH Limit tourney...

Good evening folks, just wondering if anyone has entered one of the limit events in the past at great blue heron and what the time frame on how long these would take. (5000 chips, 30 min blinds max 110 runners)

I realize that limit is the ugly cousin for most of you, but it does hold a spot in my heart as the gateway poker game of my university years spent trying to grind out rent money at the old roving charity casinos.

to that end...any advice on a LHE tourney?....aside from not playing in it.
cheers, mo


  • for the past 2 or 3 years GBH has not ran any Limit Tournaments.

    To my knowledge this is a first.

    As for length I can tell you that the No limit tournaments with 5000 chips, 30min blinds, and 110 players usually finish between 8 and 10pm
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    for the past 2 or 3 years GBH has not ran any Limit Tournaments.

    To my knowledge this is a first.

    As for length I can tell you that the No limit tournaments with 5000 chips, 30min blinds, and 110 players usually finish between 8 and 10pm

    i wonder if its a typo??

    how soon prior to the other 500$ events do they sell out? week or two prior?
  • not a typo. They are running some Limit Tournaments this year.

    The no limit tournaments usual sell out about 7 to 10 days prior for the $500 buy ins
  • Good evening folks, just wondering if anyone has entered one of the limit events in the past at great blue heron and what the time frame on how long these would take. (5000 chips, 30 min blinds max 110 runners)

    I realize that limit is the ugly cousin for most of you, but it does hold a spot in my heart as the gateway poker game of my university years spent trying to grind out rent money at the old roving charity casinos.

    to that end...any advice on a LHE tourney?....aside from not playing in it.
    cheers, mo

    Razor blades included with entry?

    Gl though, some of us cut our teeth with limit...
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