What Chips are you using? Toronto area

I suppose really my question is:
1) Is it silly of me to worry about someone sneaking in a green or a black from home into my NL cash game if I use those standard 11.5g clay chips in the briefcase that everyone has

2) Does anyone sell or have an idea of where to get decent chips at a decent price near downtown Toronto that are not those standard chips?



  • 1) Yea, its a bit silly. Frankly, if you find someone bringing in an extra chip or two, kick their asses out and don't invite them back. Only bring in friends for the first couple of games. Usually you can trust them.

    2) Poker Chips-ChipTalk.net
    Forget finding anything without checking out this site first. I'm sure you'll find something. There's a few of us around here that can give you our opinions on our sets, but the first thing if you want a new set is get some samples first, see if you like them, THEN make a purchase.
  • BTW...if you do buy from that site...kiss your credit card limits good bye! Its an addiction, but most of us don't care about a cure :D
  • ThinkQuick wrote: »
    I suppose really my question is:
    1) Is it silly of me to worry about someone sneaking in a green or a black from home into my NL cash game if I use those standard 11.5g clay chips in the briefcase that everyone has

    2) Does anyone sell or have an idea of where to get decent chips at a decent price near downtown Toronto that are not those standard chips?


    It is a bit silly, but if you're really worried about it then mark the chips with a sticker or a Sharpie.

    When upgrading your chips, you must realize that there are hundreds (if not thousands!) of different styles/make to choose from. You can buy real chips from a bankrupt casino, fantasy sets and even custom design your own!

    The only chip seller in the GTA that I know is Poker Chips, Poker Table, Poker Set, Playing Cards | Canada's #1 Source Straight Poker Supplies Straight Poker Supplies but I think they're a bit overpriced, but they are local. I prefer The Chip Room - Texas Hold'em and other poker supplies which is a great seller from Michigan Don't forget to check ebay and Kijiji. Sometimes you can find a bargain there.

    Chiptalk is the best place to get introduced into the culture of chips, but look around here in the Buy & Sell section as there are several threads dedicated to chip purchases.

    Feel free to fire off any questions here, somebody will answer your questions.
  • It also depends on what you're willing to spend and what you like. Decent chips can range from about $.31US a chip (Pharaoh's, Dunes, Desert Sands) all the way up to about $2 per chips (LePaulsonNoir).

    If you're new to chipping and want a really good set for not a lot of money, check out the Pharaoh's and Dunes on ChipTalk. You can't go wrong with either of them.

    There are literally thousands of designs you can choose from, but it all hinders on your wallet.

    If you're loaded with cash, well then...the sky's the limit!
  • Not silly, but it depends what the stakes are at your home game and whether you running a frequent home game or just with friends.
    I have seen numerous posts of people sneaking in chips at games.

    I am using a FTP chip set.
  • Here's a link to what the CPF boys are using:

  • Straight Poker Supplies can be a bit pricey, but the service is first rate, and sometimes local helps . . .

    I would exercise caution on eBay, as the chips do not always live up to the billing with some sellers.

    Chiptalk will destroy your ability to budget properly, as you find yourself buying chips from desire, rather than need, not that this has ever happened to me personally (this week).

    As others have said, look around, do not be hasty, and . . .

    I have a couple sample sets lying around the house that I might be able to turn loose. Or just come out to some of the local games hosted by our resident chip nutz . . . you'l find plenty to whet your appetite.
  • If you're looking for cash game chips, check this out . . .

    Sight unseen Sale!!
  • Thank you all so much for such complete and helpful responses!

    I do remember the pharoah Paulsons from 2+2 forums 5 years ago, now that I've visited chiptalk again I see that they're being remade a lot cheaper!

    Realy appreciate the links and advice, now I'll have to recalibrate my budget accordingly
  • ThinkQuick wrote: »
    now I'll have to recalibrate my budget accordingly
    Ummm with this bunch, just throw it out the window..
  • ThinkQuick wrote: »
    now I'll have to recalibrate my budget accordingly

    A Chip-talker once posted something similar to this . . .

    Buy first, budget later . . . good luck with your search.
  • What chips are you using? Nothing but the best baby.


    Paging AJ:

  • Cannot quite read those dimes, moose. Silver City, maybe?

    As for the best . . . Gemacos? Seriously?
  • The Gemaco's are fine. A hair slippery maybe but I don't get the hate-on.
  • Wait until the inevitable "bends" . . . they do not "un-bend". That is where the dislike comes from. Other brands do it better cheaper, is all I'm saying.
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