Poker Road Trip

Curious to find out if anyone on this forum has ever gone on a brick & mortar poker road trip through different parts of Canada. I am considering a trip that will include Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Niagara Falls, Windsor, Calgary and Vancouver and would be very interested in feedback on the local NL games (1/2, 2/5 and 5/10). Thanks in advance.


  • Sounds like alot of driving / flying to play cash games. Wouldn't be something I'd do, but each their own I guess. Sounds like profits would get killed by expenses.
  • Should have mentioned it'll be 4 weeks in each city... total flights / buses (in some cases) will be $1,800 and rent will be ~$100 / week in most places... not exactly high rolling I know.
  • A couple of us considered doing something similar last fall around Florida after they opened up their NL rooms for a couple of weeks but it never materialized as such. Canada is just too big and who has months to do that...
  • Great trip to drive starting in the spring. Could get costly with the price of fuel
    nonetheless. Rent a motorhome . Get a large one that sleeps 6. Share the cost and everyone have a good time.
  • Yeah, I have played at most of the casinos in Canada. It's fun, and expenses are insane (hundreds per day) but if you are good enough that is still less than the winnings.
  • I've travelled across canada a few times and I'm glad I spent zero time in poker rooms along the way. If I'm travelling id rather spend my time seeing the country than grinding in a poker room. Why not play a month straight and save some money then enjoy travelling. There isn't much cultural difference between poker rooms.
  • Yeah, I agree that the thought of spending all of my time in a poker room while traveling would be a mistake, but I'm sure there will be days where I burn through 2 buy-ins with plenty of daylight to spare... I'll check out the local scenery on those days... Thanks for the feedback - even though no one has actually provided any specific room insight :)
  • I'd like to do something like that.

    I've heard the rake for the Montreal Casino's is high... $6?
  • First stop starts Saturday in Niagara Falls or Windsor... still waiting to confirm a place to stay in either... Will post results for February at the end of the month. Take care
  • First stop starts Saturday in Niagara Falls or Windsor... still waiting to confirm a place to stay in either... Will post results for February at the end of the month. Take care

    You should talk to PokerJah..he travels the world playing low limit poker
  • GTA must have some spare time this afternoon. Just waiting for his chance to pounce and let loose on some poor unsuspecting prey.
  • GTA must have some spare time this afternoon. Just waiting for his chance to pounce and let loose on some poor unsuspecting prey.

    just the facts ma'am
  • No worries GTA... I didn't take offense to it... I agree that 1/2 is about as low limit as it gets in a live poker room so I'm not sure what the other poster's concern was... thanks for the heads up.
  • Ok, now that's funny. For the record, I was more entertained than concerned.
  • Kincardine, ON? Were you born there or did you always dream of moving to the big city when you were a child growing up in Nunavut? ^-^
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I've travelled across canada a few times and I'm glad I spent zero time in poker rooms along the way. If I'm travelling id rather spend my time seeing the country than grinding in a poker room. Why not play a month straight and save some money then enjoy travelling. There isn't much cultural difference between poker rooms.

    I don't know... Vancouver poker rooms for diversity.
    Nothing like beating AA with 44 from old chinese woman and have her scream "AIE YAAAAA!"
    or have them bet $60 and say "SICK-A-TEE!"
    Of course, this gets old after 5 mins.
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