Just curious...(re: NLHE cash & team playing)

I have been frequenting the 1/2 games at Casino Niagara the last few months and it is easy to spot the regs that are grinding it out most weekdays. And quite often - I have been seated at tables that may have a couple (ie husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend...etc) playing at the same table.

More often than not, these couples tend to play soft and tend not to go into many pots against each other. I don't really take issue with this practice in particular....but it makes me wonder if (or should I say 'how often') team(s) of regs are playing together, and potentially squeezing other players at the tables.

What are other peoples experiences like with regards to potential cheats at casino poker room(s)...particularily in Niagara Falls?

Don't get me wrong...I am starting to get to know a few names too but, I still feel somewhat like an 'outsider' in the poker room and it really makes me wonder sometimes if there is more going on than meets the eye. :confused:



  • Happens more then you think.
  • Happens more then you think.

    Seen it happened at BCC once, as soon as I spoke up asking to see cards at showdown, one player got up right away, and the next person was gone seconds later.

    Honestly, live casinos not much you can do since it's VERY hard to prove (and I just don't see any Canadian casinos bothering to investigate - heck, the staff are probably friendly enough with the players that your suspicion will fall on deaf ear). Just keep an eye out on players when you're out of the pot and see if there's any pattern of behaviours, especially if the 2 players are consistently in a pot against a third player.
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