Prophet 22 Fallsview report

So I thought I would update my goals and tell you a little about my Fallsview experience.
Let me start by saying it was great to see a lot of people from the forum.
1000.00 event
I won a satellite to this event in Orangeville. We ended up going down Wednesday night. Checked into the hotel around 5:30pm fell asleep and woke up in time to see Canada blow a 3 goal lead to the Russians. Went to bed for a good night sleep. After brunch headed over to registration.

The tournament started on time, and sat down and after the first hand was up 1600chips. I won another pot off a guy who was calling any ace he had. It was this guys big blind I wake up with JJ in the highjack and make my standard 3x bet. Folded to him in the bb and he announced raise. He put the chips in and without knowing what the raise was I said raise. 2000 more. He folded. I showed the JJ and told him to quit playing his ace rag. A couple of hands later guy goes all in this same Ace rag calls. Folded to me and I said raise then pointed to Ace rag guys stack and said that will be my raise.
The isolation worked. AK vs JJ, I get an A and a K.

8 guys limp me in the sm blind call bb checks. K26 all clubs. I check my 2 pair K2 bb bets 100 utg bets 900 folded to me and I re pop it to 2700. Bb folds utg things then calls, leaving him 900 turn 8club I check he bets 900 I call knowing I am beat no 2 or King on the river.

Pushed with 10 Q suited 2 callers and I am out.

Get dropped off at the casino and want to be by myself.
I decided I would sit and watch this time for 10 min. When I do sit down the second hand in I get AA in the big blind. I bump it 600 and utg says 2000 folded to me. I should have just shoved at this point but I say call. Flop comes 4 4 10 rainbow. I check and to my surprise so did he. Turn is a K. I bet 2k he flats the river is a queen. I check he bets 2500. I pay him off he shows A 4 off

I stand up and say nice hand and go for a drink and sit and try to calm down. I see Wetts while I am drinking my diet coke and he winces when I tell. Go black just before we change levels, steal a couple of blinds.
3rd hand after the break I am in the small blind with QJ spades. I complete BB checks 7 people see flop. Flop is QJ diamonds J h. I am gold things area about to change. I check BB bets 600 one other caller I flat call. Turn is 10 of diamonds. I bet roughly half my stack 33oo with 3k back. BB goes all in and after 5 minutes the other guys goes all in. I snap call thinking, what they both have a flush?
The guy to my left had a straight Kh 9d The other guy had nut flush. I lose to only 2 cards Kd 8d the river an 8 diamonds. I am done

Lesson- it doesn’t matter the amount of the buy in, there are donks everywhere.
Only good part is I might have a sponsor to the 5k event keep you informed


  • Fallsview is rigged. :D

    That last hand was truly gross.

    GL in the 5k
  • Was an awful beat in the 2500 in the 5k.
  • So I thought I would update my goals and tell you a little about my Fallsview experience...

    Folded to me and I said raise then pointed to Ace rag guys stack and said that will be my raise....

    LOL...were your exact words "I put him all in"?? Classic!
  • 13CARDS wrote: »
    LOL...were your exact words "I put him all in"?? Classic!

    were you even there this week? why not pm me your name so i can find out who you are when i go back to the room. You are part of one of the most disorganized tournaments i have ever seen. The whole lot of you should be fired

  • Nice report, sucks on the beats but you are right these large fields have land mines everywhere in them. The fun part is the possibility of big money but the then at the same time the structure (especially the 1K) doesn't allow you to recover from people playing bad or you suffering a bad beat or in my case most times when I play a tournament misplaying hand.

    Its unfortunate that fallsview management at the lowest level does not have the balls to actually speak up to the senior levels and show examples of properly run tournaments (LA Classic, any deepstack event in vegas) and actually show them that this is the way to run a tournament properly. I mean you could even use BC tournaments as an example.

    A lot of people from out West came out to play this event including some very good tournament pros on the CPT circuit and they said they will not be returning to Fallsview to play these events.

    The poker room was poorly run yesterday with tables taking forever to open and YES I understand that there are shifts for dealers etc, but from a business standpoint if you are having a tournament week you expect X number of players to be there above the usual crowd why not make the proper adjustments in scheduling and arrange for staff to be on hand.

    Here are some improvements for next year and whoever reads this (13cards I appreciate your input as it is always nice to hear from staff but I feel you are not the right person to direct this to so I will also be forwarding this to the OLG and my local MP and MPP along with a business case considering they are now looking at legalizing online gambling and just recently legalized UFC)

    1. Satellites - no more 1 winner satellite, reason being, they just take too damn long. You are much more profitable as a casino to run the 2-3 winner tournaments as previous.

    2. The list - Call a name 1 time and if they are not there move to the next name right away and get those games running ASAP. People take advantage of this as they know the floor will call ones name 3 or 4 times before they move on. Commerce Casino, Venetian, Caesars all call your name once and if you aren't there you are moved to the bottom of the list. Instill this in your Fallsview players and make it a practice and they will respond.

    3. Staff - Have a bulletin sent out every morning letting them know exactly what has happened the night before - IE number of entrants, tickets still available etc. I should not have to go to 3 different people to get 3 different answers. In the age of electronic communication it should be noted on the boards and updated every day. SIMPLE COMMUNICATION IS EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION - Jesus if you can post the bad beat on the board why not post entrants.....

    4. Tournament structure - please see USA events or even BC events. FOLLOW THOSE.

    I know the constant talk is how the casino hates poker, its not profitable, etc etc but one thing you learn in life if you are going to do something either do it right or don't do it at all. I would be embarrassed to work in that poker room seeing how poorly it is run and the organization level.

    At the end of the day you will always have players come to play these bingo 1K events etc, but you will never establish a world class poker environment or casino with such poor organization and lack of information or acknowledgement of player or customer concerns.

    As stated I will be contacting the OLG directly along with a few people in parliament that I know to start lobbying for these changes. I was there all day friday and the amount of complaining was incredible and its not fair to the staff that actually try to help players.
  • This thread was already awesome, then came along BM to make it even better!:D
  • were you even there this week? why not pm me your name so i can find out who you are when i go back to the room. You are part of one of the most disorganized tournaments i have ever seen. The whole lot of you should be fired


    Lol awesome
  • actyper wrote: »
    Lol awesome

    I have been saying this all along. Fallsview is a big JOKE running tourneys and they don't realize how stupid they look. Tournaments are more like bingo games and no one knows what anyone else is doing. NOT A FUCKING CLUE. Just another example of BRAIN DEAD GOVERNMENT WORKERS.

    They should take a few lessons from the mainstream casinos in Vegas.

  • First post...

    Loving reading the thread. I was trying to to find out Friday how many were in the $2.5k and called the Poker Room: "They don't tell us that - you have to talk to VIP". They put me to VIP and they say "We don't have that information, let me put you to the Poker Room". Sheesh! I stop her and tell her THEY sent me to her and so she digs around and I got some guy who actually knew what he was talking about and gave me a rough estimate and walked me through unloading my $2.5k entry since I was looking to sell it. No specifics - just told me how it usually worked.

    I sold it for $2300 last night so I was happy. Hope to play in it next year...
  • Sounds like the next time they OPP saves us from ourselves, they can get the underground club owners to perform a community service and teach how to properly run a tournament. ;)
  • I may start driving up to Rama and see if it's any better up there.
    I know I give 13 Cards a hard time like a lot of others and WELL , I just like crapping all over Fallsview. It's run by Goofy and his gang of stuttering retards.

    Maybe just take the card rooms right out and let us have private Licensed Card Rooms that are owned and operated by people that know how to run them.

    Like this is ever going to happen!

    Another Thing. The Poker tables would make more money if.
    1. They put them in a separate room.
    2. Added More Tables.
    3. As soon has they had 9 players, open up another table instead of waiting until there was 200 on the list and 4 dealers sitting at empty tables scratching their asses.
    4. Comped Alcohol for gamblers like Vegas.
    5. Hired dealers who are people oriented and Know what they are doing.
    6. Ran more major events like the Classic. Run Proper Satellites instead of the bingo games they are now.
    7. offered more card games, Stud, Omaha, Razz, Crazy Pineapple etc.

    Maybe people who work there will read these.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    I may start driving up to Rama and see if it's any better up there.
    I know I give 13 Cards a hard time like a lot of others and WELL , I just like crapping all over Fallsview. It's run by Goofy and his gang of stuttering retards.

    Maybe just take the card rooms right out and let us have private Licensed Card Rooms that are owned and operated by people that know how to run them.

    Like this is ever going to happen!

    Oh coming up here to rama are ya!:) (bring grandpa comp with ya:p).

    /thread derail:D
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Oh coming up here to rama are ya!:) (bring grandpa comp with ya:p).

    /thread derail:D

    One of these days Philly, One of these Days. POW Right in the KISSER . LOL
    If I can get the old boy up from his morning nap we may come for a day long haunt.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Another Thing. The Poker tables would make more money if.
    1. They put them in a separate room.
    2. Added More Tables.
    3. As soon has they had 9 players, open up another table instead of waiting until there was 200 on the list and 4 dealers sitting at empty tables scratching their asses.
    4. Comped Alcohol for gamblers like Vegas.
    5. Hired dealers who are people oriented and Know what they are doing.
    6. Ran more major events like the Classic. Run Proper Satellites instead of the bingo games they are now.
    7. offered more card games, Stud, Omaha, Razz, Crazy Pineapple etc.

    Maybe people who work there will read these.

    These suggestions are all good and all, but some are not realistic within the regulations in Ontario. But no doubt, it would be a gigantic step if a couple of these suggestions are implemented and doesn't fall on deaf ear

    I haven't played there for awhile, simply because after being used to the service provided in Vegas, I'm tilted just from the hoops I have to jump through to get on a table, and then deal with the staff and players alike.
  • were you even there this week? why not pm me your name so i can find out who you are when i go back to the room. You are part of one of the most disorganized tournaments i have ever seen. The whole lot of you should be fired


    I was nowhere near the poker tournament or poker room, this week, last week or any week in the last year and a half. I am in no way part of this tournament or the poker room in general at Fallsview. I have expressed this repeatedly on here. You may have missed it or misread it, as many have done so recently on this forum. <3 And I will not be pm'ing you my identity or anything else for that matter. I like that this forum protects my anonymity and I sure hope it continues to do so.
    HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    I have been saying this all along. Fallsview is a big JOKE running tourneys and they don't realize how stupid they look. Tournaments are more like bingo games and no one knows what anyone else is doing. NOT A FUCKING CLUE. Just another example of BRAIN DEAD GOVERNMENT WORKERS.

    They should take a few lessons from the mainstream casinos in Vegas.


    You do realize, as I have said many, many times on here, that the WPT does not, in any way whatsoever, run poker tournaments. "WPT events" are entirely organzied, hosted and run by the casino where they take place. The "WPT events" held at Fallsview in the past were 100% organized and run by Fallsview itself, not the WPTE, which is essentially a production company that films poker tournament Final Tables to sell TV/DVD rights. However, the Fallsview staff that ran the three WPT events is NOT the same Fallsview staff that is running this year's Fallsview Poker Classic.
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