Alberta Poker Championships Jan. 19-23

This is held @ Argyll Casino in Edmonton.

Super Satty's:

Sunday 16th & Tuesday 18th @ 7 pm:
$195 = 8K in chips, 1 package per 10 players
Package includes 550 & 1100 tournies

Wednesday 19th, NLHE 6pm:
$340 = 10K, 1/2 hr blinds

Thursday 20th, NLHE Day 1A 6pm:
$560 = 12K, not sure blinds, likely mix 30 min first 6, 45 after
playing 9 levels, day 2 is on Sunday noon

Friday 21st, NLHE Day 1B 2pm:
$560 = 12K, not sure blinds, likely mix 30 min first 6, 45 after
playing 9 levels, day 2 is on Sunday noon

Saturday 22nd, NLHE 2pm:
$1110 = 17K, I believe 45 min blinds

Sunday 23rd, PLO 4pm:
$560 = 12K, 1/2 hr blinds
Don't bother, I'm shippin this one


  • I'm won a ticket to one of the satty's....not sure which. Unfortunately I'm out of town Wed, Thur, Fri that hopefully I ship the satty and I'll play the 1K and the PLO.
  • didn't win my satty......but playing the PLO today
  • Good luck, seemed like a decent turnout and few Calgary boys were heading up. Joanne is gonna send some results, will post.

    Shhippp iii it!
  • Gl. Make us some monies.
  • Tourney was good....they upped the chip tally to 15K, which was a great idea.

    I had a what could be called a pretty bad table draw, with 4 (3 Edmonton, 1 Calgary) of the high stakes PLO players sitting at my table. Could be termed a double edge sword, as they'll likely be gambling, as it was a re-enter tourney for the first 4 levels.

    Anyhow, won a couple pots to get to about 17K......this is the last hand before the break, blinds at 100-200:

    UTG (high stakes reg, TAG, 22K): calls 200
    UTG+2 (Roger, high stakes LAG reg, 21K): raise to 600
    UTG+3 (TAG, only played a little with him, 18K): calls 600
    Button (young kid, worse player on table, 8K): calls 600
    SB(Hero): AdAhQd8d.......... raise to 3200

    Folds to UTG+3 who flats........\

    Flop: As Ks 6d

    Hero: Bet 7000 (have about 6500 behind)
    UTG+3: Calls

    Turn: 10h

    Hero: All-in
    UTG+3: Snaps (straight obv.)

    River = blank, gg me

    UTG+3 shows 10c Jc Qh 4h

    Numbers shown at the time was 54 players, but they did open another table, taking 1 or 2 from the existing 4 tables....I imagine final tally was a little over sixty.
  • Being lazy, copy pasted, but it's all here.

    $300 No-Limit Hold’em
    Wednesday January 19, 2011
    Total entrants: 151
    Total Prize Pool: $44,168

    1 Stephen Issekutz *$12,600
    2 Ryan Comely *$7,350
    3 Mikhail Vaynshteyn *$4,750
    4 Murray MacAulay *$ 3,530
    5 Jordan Kelly *$ 2,830
    6 Gary Bergum *$2,320
    7 Ahmad Mirzaie *$***** 1,900
    8 Chris Hedderson *$***** 1,660
    9 Soung Kall *$***** 1,440
    10 James Bennett *$***** 1,200
    11 Wayne Heidel *$***** 1,080
    12 Roger Sarna *$******** 950
    13 John Woytiuk *$******** 950
    14 Gary Terris *$******** 804
    15 Othello Buyco *$******** 804
    * * * *
    * * TOTAL *$**** 44,168
    $1,000 No-Limit Hold’em *
    Saturday January 22, 2011 *
    Total entrants: 119 *
    Total Prize Pool: $116,025 *
    * * * *
    1 Calvin Anderson *$**** 34,000
    2 Kelly Dalke *$**** 20,000
    3 Mark Brockington *$**** 13,800
    4 John Woytuik *$**** 10,400
    5 Ryan Comely *$***** 8,100
    6 Rick Mombourquette *$***** 6,700
    7 Gordie Ell *$***** 5,400
    8 Ron Lauzon *$***** 4,600
    9 Devin Verstraelen *$***** 4,000
    10 Joel Bullock *$***** 3,500
    11 George Broumas *$***** 3,000
    12 Wayne Witherspoon *$***** 2,525
    * * * *
    * * TOTAL *$** 116,025
    $500 No-Limit Hold’em *
    Total entrants: 230
    Total Prize Pool: $114,075
    1 John Sanborn *$********* 26,500
    2 Cliff Green *$********* 17,000
    3 James White *$********* 13,000
    4 Mike Larocque *$********* 10,000
    5 Soung Kau *$*********** 7,075
    6 Jody Fayant *$*********** 5,000
    7 Brian Lee *$*********** 3,900
    8 Joel Bullock *$*********** 2,900
    9 Justin Corcuera *$*********** 2,300
    10 Robert Lothian *$*********** 1,800
    11 Mike Madson *$*********** 1,400
    12 Brad Young *$*********** 1,400
    13 Calvin X *$*********** 1,300
    14 Brian Fleming *$*********** 1,300
    15 Dan McNamara *$*********** 1,300
    16 Anthony Poirier *$*********** 1,100
    17 Chris Hedderson *$*********** 1,100
    18 Jat Bhoon *$*********** 1,100
    19 James Fulton *$************** 900
    20 Ryan Comely *$************** 900
    21 Mary Gabriel *$************** 900
    22 Vince Loyer *$************** 900
    23 John Wilson *$************** 900
    24 George Broumas *$************** 900
    25 Jeremy Singleton *$************** 700
    26 Jordan Kelly *$************** 700
    27 Ed LeCluse *$************** 700
    28 Duc Nguyen *$************** 700
    29 Holly Berry *$************** 700
    30 Vincent Lam *$************** 700
    31 Lorne Voth *$************** 500
    32 Glen Cymbaluk *$************** 500
    33 Danny Hall *$************** 500
    34 Ron Piasetzki *$************** 500
    35 Keith Graham *$************** 500
    36 Thomas Mckinnon *$************** 500
    37 Terrence Tully *$************** 500
    38 John Donnelly *$************** 500
    39 Andrew Beliveau *$************** 500
    40 Matt Rogers *$************** 500
    * * * *
    * * TOTAL *$******* 114,075
    $500 Pot Limit Omaha
    Sunday January 23rd, 2011
    Total entrants: 56
    Total Prize Pool: $27,300
    1 Ryan Zdunick *$* 10,000
    2 Mary Gabriel *$*** 6,500
    3 Gary Best *$*** 4,000
    4 Lim Hyuntea *$*** 3,000
    5 Brian Fleming *$*** 2,200
    6 Edmond Tonnellier *$*** 1,600
    * * * *
    * * TOTAL *$* 27,300
  • Why doesn't the prize pool ever = (Buy In) * (Number of players)? Where did the difference in money go?

    I think it's better in general for this sort of information be made transparent. I would rather have all this information be provided upfront and give me the option to choose whether I want to participate it in or not.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    Tourney was good....they upped the chip tally to 15K, which was a great idea.

    I had a what could be called a pretty bad table draw, with 4 (3 Edmonton, 1 Calgary) of the high stakes PLO players sitting at my table. Could be termed a double edge sword, as they'll likely be gambling, as it was a re-enter tourney for the first 4 levels.

    Anyhow, won a couple pots to get to about 17K......this is the last hand before the break, blinds at 100-200:

    UTG (high stakes reg, TAG, 22K): calls 200
    UTG+2 (Roger, high stakes LAG reg, 21K): raise to 600
    UTG+3 (TAG, only played a little with him, 18K): calls 600
    Button (young kid, worse player on table, 8K): calls 600
    SB(Hero): AdAhQd8d.......... raise to 3200

    Folds to UTG+3 who flats........\

    Flop: As Ks 6d

    Hero: Bet 7000 (have about 6500 behind)
    UTG+3: Calls

    Turn: 10h

    Hero: All-in
    UTG+3: Snaps (straight obv.)

    River = blank, gg me

    UTG+3 shows 10c Jc Qh 4h

    Numbers shown at the time was 54 players, but they did open another table, taking 1 or 2 from the existing 4 tables....I imagine final tally was a little over sixty.

    I thing you need to redefine TAG.

    Crappy hand.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I thing you need to redefine TAG.

    Crappy hand.

    Yeah, clearly a bad read
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