retarded situation @ brantford

Playing limit hold'em (lol kill me plz) at Brantford and a player refuses to act. Just sits there, knowing the action is on him, making comments about how we have to pay session fee to sit there looking at him. What would your response be, what is the proper response by the dealer or the floor?


  • Call a clock on the fucker every time it's his turn to act. ;)
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Call a clock on the fucker every time it's his turn to act. ;)

    Don't forget to call the floor, spill your drink on him, knock his chips down, or....

    Sit me next to him for a while :)

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Don't forget to call the floor, spill your drink on him, knock his chips down, or....

    Sit me next to him for a while :)


    I'm not that cruel. :D
  • I have a few... let's call them aquaintances, that would be happy to take care of this situation for you. Great thing is, it's tax dedectable for them as it's considered extra training :D
  • I'd agree with Hobbes. Call the clock on the prick as soon as action is his. Every time.

    I actually checked Robert's rules, as I have never heard of this situation coming up before. It doesn't appear anything is mentioned other than another players ability to call the clock when someone is intentionally delaying the game.

    Now at that point, he could just wait the clock out every time I guess. Which of course would make him remain an asshole.
  • Clearly this guy's game is so poor he needs to try tilting the table so he can have an edge.

    I wouldn't call the clock, I would just do my best (or worst) to get into as many hands with him to stack him.
  • Option #1: Move to No Limit Game (if available)
    Option #2: Slit your wrists (it's limit!!!)
    Option #3: Get Drunk, start a fight and get banned from limit for life

    I don't see any other way around this.
  • Table change.
  • Just get a table change it's not worth the hassle.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    Option #1: Move to No Limit Game (if available)
    Option #2: Slit your wrists (it's limit!!!)
    Option #3: Get Drunk, start a fight and get banned from limit for life

    I don't see any other way around this.

    So, when are we going to play 3 6 at Baccarat?
  • I really know what I would love to do. Grab the little Focker by the throat and give him a bit of a tune up.
    I don't play limit so I wouldn't be there.
    I would definately rip into him. Follow him outside when he goes to have a smoke and tell him what I think about the cons of inbreeding in the Brantford area. ;)
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