Curling Feb. 12 Ayr



  • Buzzzardd wrote: »

  • moose wrote: »
    Start time is 11 am but may change to slightly earlier. Cost is $25. Two 6-end games.


    'Friends and Family' curling continues - February and March Dates:
    Thanks to all the members, family and friends that have made our Family &
    Friend Sundays a continuing success! We consistently have 16-28 curlers on
    the ice, and it's normally a mixture of curling members and non-curling
    family or friends, which is great (as that is truly the intent of this
    event!). If you're wondering how you can join in, participating is easy!
    Arrive at the club by 1:20pm on Sundays and we will then organize into
    teams or groupings to play a 6 end game (1:30pm to 3:00pm). For members,
    this is free of charge -- guests that are family members, friends or
    co-workers that are interested in curling (or experiencing curling at our
    club) are encouraged to attend. The charge for adult non-members (18 and
    older) will be $7 per person (the same fee as we have for our pay-as-
    you-play weekday curling). The charge for junior non-members (12 to 17 yrs
    old) will be $2 per person (the same fee we charge our Wednesday
    after-school program). The event is open to individuals 12 years of age or
    greater. Please remind the non-curlers to have a pair of clean running
    shoes for use on the ice. If you are interested, or plan to come out,
    please drop me a line so that I know if we are roughly expecting 8 people
    or 32 people! If you have any questions, please contact Benjamin Graham
    (benjamin.graham attt The schedule for our F&F Sundays for
    Feburary is Feb 13, 20 & 27th. The schedule for March is Mar 6, 20, &

    I don't see anything different so I assume the first draw is at 11 o'clock.
  • moose wrote: »
    Last chance to sign up for curling. You must post here by Tues night.

    Start time will be 11 am. Warm loose fitting clothing, light gloves, bring a pair of clean running shoes to change into at the club.

    Reminder the theme is Valentines in Vegas so dress like a balla!

  • Running late. Should be there for 11;15. Sorry! Stupidity on 401 near Chatham and left later than I wanted to.
  • Johnnie and Trevor's team gets slaughtered 15-0 in first draw
  • Team Poker wins! Also Team Poker and Johnnie/Trev's team tie in the Vegas trivia. Go figure.

    Cash game pretty good too.

    Unfortunately the epic pics are with Trev and Johnnie.
  • Home safe and sound. Will comment on awesomeness of day tomorrow when I'm not completely wacked. Yet another cooler to end the night: three spots between London and Windsor that were absolute shit so I could have stayed to play more poker :)

    I'll get you for that Q9o Moose.

    Oh, and Hobbes, we never settled up on those side bets. I believe you owe me $3 :D
  • Cerberus wrote: »

    Oh, and Hobbes, we never settled up on those side bets. I believe you owe me $3 :D

    Crap. I forgot completely. You want PS $?
  • Really awesome day again this year moose. Let's go for the repeat in 2012.
  • Fun day. Not overly sore today given I curl once a year. :)
  • This was as much, if not more fun, than last year. I really think everyone who is physically able to make it out to this next year should do so. Hell, I drove 3 hours in some pretty crappy weather at times and it was totally worth it!

    The curling was fun as always. I looked at Johnnie about 15 minutes into it and said "Man, what the hell? How is our degenerate group of gamblers not placing any side bets?!" Johnnie kind of shrugged but Hobbes was all for it. 1st bet was for whether Johnnie would make his shot. Hobbes had more faith in Johnnie than me, which put me +$1 :)

    Next was Moose going for a hit and roll. I said he could make it 2/3 of the way across the house to sit behind the guard, Hobbes said $2, and I was +$3 :)

    Near the end of the first game Hobbes managed to make a sweet draw to the button, so I felt that warrented knocking off $1 from the pot as it was a kickass shot. Still +$2.

    I honestly can't remember what the last bet was. It might have been another Johnnie shot, but I'm not 100%. Any idea Hobbes? I know I won, and that's what really matters.

    Honestly, I was winning friggin' everything yesterday! We won both our games, I won the number quiz, we won the team trivia quiz about Vegas (I had sweet bugger all to do with that win aside from writing down the 35 hotels in Vegas Moose named when we only had to name 10) and didn't bust out at roulette, which is a plus since I have never played before.

    Then the poker started.

    I was doing a good job of living up to my reputation as a loose player. No 69o first hand for the flopped nut straight this year to tilt Johnnie, but was still playing loose enough to have some fun. Got QQ in mp, made it $3 (.25/.25) and Buzzard decides to repop to something like $11 from the BB. I can't remember having ever played Buzzard live, and he had been pretty quiet in playing hands, so I was really confused. I called, hoping for better reads on the flop, which came Jc10c... umm... I think it was 4d or something else not useful. Buzz puts in $22 or something equally large. I think and think and think and think and eventually toss it. He'd later tell me he had AKo. Considering I put him on AA, KK or AK, I still feel it was a good fold since I was only beating one of those hands. Looking back, if I really believed him, I should have just folded pre.

    Managed to climb back to even after Moose doubled me up on an A high flop when he didn't believe I had the A / I didn't have enough money to push him out of the pot. Gave some of it back to Johnnie a few hands later when he shoved the turn on a board of JdQc7d4d. I had AsKd, was getting 3:1 and thought he had J10o. Turns out he had QJo and I missed my draws.

    After building back to just over even again, we wrapped the game at the curling club and went back to Chez Moose to continue. Before we could play more poker though, there was a large scale craps lesson to be taught. I still have no real clue what I'm doing, but it was fun trying to understand it. Also fun helping to put the table together as Moose did a pretty kick ass job building it himself.

    For those who haven't had the chance, the Moose Casino is a wicked setup. The chips are soooooooooooooo pretty (he even has Miami Dolphins coloured chips!) and feel so much nicer than the crappy ones you can buy at department stores.

    After the craps and pizza (usually that's the other way around), we started up again, only we were playing .50/.50 this time around. Kept having fun with my image after I raised to $3 preflop, got 3 callers, flop came A high, I cbet to $8, everyone folded and I showed 85h. I think that show might have been my undoing, either that or the hand a little bit later when I straddled and quick called Buzzard popping it to $4 with my monster A3s. Hit the 3 on the flop, he cbet, at which point I was 95% certain he had AK, so I called. He checked the turn and river, which I was more than happy to do, and took down the pot.

    Final two hands of the night for me, which I think were karma for me not being a good man and either A) leaving when I had said I was going to or B) letting Holly know I was going to be coming home much later than expected as curling ran late and poker had to get moved around between locations.

    Hand 1: I'm on the BTN, see J9h, raise to $2. Get 4 callers including Moose in the BB. comes 9d4s9c. :D Gets checked around (I think), I make it $4.50. Johnnie, jackass that he is, had been saying the whole hand how that flop is right in mine and Trevor's wheelhouse. I repeat, jackass! Moose repops it to $9 (again, I think) and I flat. Turn is 10h. He bets out fairly big, I pretend to think for a while and flat call. Moose at this point looked so beyond confused. River is I think an A. Moose thinks for a long while and checks it. Something in my head said check, at which point the other voices jumped on that one and beat the piss out of it. I put $26 in, knowing Moose has about $40 behind. He still looks really confused, mutters something about could I really have 1010 and finally shoves. I snap call, flip over my hand feeling pretty good. Moose then says "oh, I'm good" and slow rolls me with Q9o. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Honestly, I don't think it was an actual slow roll, I think he was just really confused about the whole hand and was surprised I didn't have a boat.

    Hand 2: I have a whopping $1.50 left after that train wreck, declare I'm all in blind, everyone decides to be nice and call, and I have my first ever flipament. Trying to remember, but I believe the hands were A8o, K8o, 46o, and a couple of others I couldn't remember. I flip over 72o. FML. I see the 7 as the first card on the flop, YES! Then it comes 5 K. Damn. 8 on the turn for the nut straight and I'm on my way back to Windsor.

    As I said, had a freakin' blast with everyone and would love to get even more people out next year.
  • Good TR and someone call Beanie and tell him to roll with the pics already.
  • moose, buzzard and cerberus


    Bar's Open


    Johnnie and Beanie's scoreboard.

    Guess which team they were on. :D


    Hurry!!! Hurry Harrrrdddd!!!


    Should we attempt the angle raise take out?


    Yay!!! I hit the button.

  • Now for the hat of shame.
    (If you hogged the rock, you had to wear the hat till someone else hogged.




    (horrible pic)



  • Bump for epic reminder.

    Saturday February 11
  • moose wrote: »
    Bump for epic reminder.

    Saturday February 11

  • You can woot all you want but I suspect you will find some relative/friend/co-worker/random guy from street to drive somewhere that day. :rolleyes:
  • moose wrote: »
    You can woot all you want but I suspect you will find some relative/friend/co-worker/random guy from street to drive somewhere that day. :rolleyes:

    I'm pretty sure he hasn't bailed out of a curling day.

    Poker tournaments though.....eep.
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