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WSOP Journal Jan 9
Last year leading up to the WSOP I kept a "stream of consciousness journal" as I prepared. I will be posting some of this year's journal here.
I welcome all feedback and criticizm.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Thoughts on sunglasses. They are defensive. The main reason that people wear them is to avoid the confrontation of direct eye contact. Overall, I am not too worried about the “stare down.†In fact, it can be used as a very powerful weapon. Some people can be made very comfortable by the long stare down. Discomfort sometimes causes the odd tell. So, I don’t want to wear sunglasses (although I will take them with me just in case).
On the other hand, I find that the “barrier†that sunglasses create helps me to stay focused and “in the zone.†Solution? Sunglasses that are not sunglasses. On Friday I picked up my new “poker glasses.†They are blue plastic reading glasses (allowing me to look menacingly over the top if I like) with purple lenses. There is almost no tint, just color. Add a silver “granny chain†to hang them around my neck and I’m set. I am referring to them as my WSOP “X-ray specs.†They keep me in the zone and allow me to see through my opponents cards. And, in keeping with my extroverted nature they are a little bit flamboyant.
Thoughts on A-K. I had a conversation about A-K with a guy (OTC) who is currently being backed on the circuit. He said something to me about A-K that has always left me with mixed feelings. Basically he said, “You have to be really aggressive with them pre-flop. Otherwise, you are never going to make much money from someone who is holding a hand like Q-Q.†This wisdom was taught to OTC by a young gun who won a bracelet at last year’s WSOP. Long story made short, I think this is BAD THINKING.
How will A-K win a BIG POT?
(1) Get it all in pre-flop and finish with the best hand. The problem with this is that if the chips are deep and all the money goes in pre-flop then A-K is probably a dog! Yes, it’s the only way you can crush Q-Q for a lot of chips, but that ignores the fact that Q-Q will have gotten it in with the best of it. Ugh. That sucks. So, the lesson is that A-K is an awesome move-in hand when the chips are shallow. The only hands that dominate you are A-A and K-K and when the chips get shallow then people calling range gets a lot bigger. There is a much greater chance that you will get called by a hand like A-J or K-J.
(2) Win post flop with a big hand. At the WSOP to win a big pot you are going to need more than a naked ace, king kicker to win a BIG pot. If there is BIG ACTION and you are holding top pair, you are very probably beat. If not beat, you are in a very treacherous spot.
What this all means is that when the chips are deep, A-K cries out for “small pot poker.†Get to the flop. Hit an ace or a king and milk a fair number of chips from someone with a worse kicker. Don’t get greedy and look for the double through. Be happy to let A-K go when the chips are deep because you cannot win big pots with A-K except by sucking out or against REALLY bad opponents. When the chips are short – ram it in and hope for the best.
I welcome all feedback and criticizm.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Thoughts on sunglasses. They are defensive. The main reason that people wear them is to avoid the confrontation of direct eye contact. Overall, I am not too worried about the “stare down.†In fact, it can be used as a very powerful weapon. Some people can be made very comfortable by the long stare down. Discomfort sometimes causes the odd tell. So, I don’t want to wear sunglasses (although I will take them with me just in case).
On the other hand, I find that the “barrier†that sunglasses create helps me to stay focused and “in the zone.†Solution? Sunglasses that are not sunglasses. On Friday I picked up my new “poker glasses.†They are blue plastic reading glasses (allowing me to look menacingly over the top if I like) with purple lenses. There is almost no tint, just color. Add a silver “granny chain†to hang them around my neck and I’m set. I am referring to them as my WSOP “X-ray specs.†They keep me in the zone and allow me to see through my opponents cards. And, in keeping with my extroverted nature they are a little bit flamboyant.
Thoughts on A-K. I had a conversation about A-K with a guy (OTC) who is currently being backed on the circuit. He said something to me about A-K that has always left me with mixed feelings. Basically he said, “You have to be really aggressive with them pre-flop. Otherwise, you are never going to make much money from someone who is holding a hand like Q-Q.†This wisdom was taught to OTC by a young gun who won a bracelet at last year’s WSOP. Long story made short, I think this is BAD THINKING.
How will A-K win a BIG POT?
(1) Get it all in pre-flop and finish with the best hand. The problem with this is that if the chips are deep and all the money goes in pre-flop then A-K is probably a dog! Yes, it’s the only way you can crush Q-Q for a lot of chips, but that ignores the fact that Q-Q will have gotten it in with the best of it. Ugh. That sucks. So, the lesson is that A-K is an awesome move-in hand when the chips are shallow. The only hands that dominate you are A-A and K-K and when the chips get shallow then people calling range gets a lot bigger. There is a much greater chance that you will get called by a hand like A-J or K-J.
(2) Win post flop with a big hand. At the WSOP to win a big pot you are going to need more than a naked ace, king kicker to win a BIG pot. If there is BIG ACTION and you are holding top pair, you are very probably beat. If not beat, you are in a very treacherous spot.
What this all means is that when the chips are deep, A-K cries out for “small pot poker.†Get to the flop. Hit an ace or a king and milk a fair number of chips from someone with a worse kicker. Don’t get greedy and look for the double through. Be happy to let A-K go when the chips are deep because you cannot win big pots with A-K except by sucking out or against REALLY bad opponents. When the chips are short – ram it in and hope for the best.
Anyway, I almost used to parallel it with cheating but I would say now that in some cases it is a disadvantage to wear them.
I couldn't agree more with you. When I sat across from Al Krux, it was amazing what his "sans glass" look could do. It was way more menacing than anyone wearing glasses. It pays much more to be on the offensive, and I was taken to school by Al, in that regard. I vowed never to wear glasses again in a tourney. I do have a twist, which I may try in this year's WSOP. Something along the lines of Fossilman -- I believe his glasses were an offensive tool, as they had a way of getting your opponents off their game. That will be my tactic. But, above all it's the game you bring which puts opponents off, not the props (or showing cards -- i digress).
I totally agree with you on AK. I made the dumb error last night of pushing in a huge stack (70 BB), against QQ. I was thinking after that my move would have been ok if I had 20BB or less, but no way with deep money. Glad to see you post here.
One more way of winning huge pots with AK. The AK limp for the nut flush especially when you hit top pair, flush draw, or nut str8. Most opponents discount you having AK and you can take very deep money down post flop.
1. I like them, sometimes.
2. I use them to observe other players
3. I use them to focus my attention on the players behind me.
I only use them when I feel I'm not on my "A" game. they help me to refocus on the task at hand. Not for any other reasons, when i'm in the "zone" the glasses are more distracting then helpfull.
I feel very secure knowing that other players are not noticing me watch there play, if the did they would change.
Most other times I look at the players behind me when it looks like I'm looking at my cards. I already know my cards, I want to see if there is any flinchs at raising or folding.