Edmonton TR

Well..day one in Edmonton.

Leave home at 12:15am, roll into town at 8:30ish am Alberta time..decent trip, only one stop for a vomiting child...not bad!

Decide on the Argyl for the first night.. Smaller room with a tourney going on, 3 cash tables going, but they open a 4th when we get there so we are seated quickly..

Chips are pretty worn out, tables are old, but the dealers are pretty decent. Service was good, food was good, waitresses were pretty, prices were crazy..lol 5 bucks for a non alcoholic beer. Ah well..

The table was soft as was told to me by several people...one older fellow that kept rebuying for 50-100 bucks and playing junk. (table max 500) I bought in for 300 as that was the biggest stack on the table when we started. First hand as we sat at the new table was QQ in mp. No table standard so I raised to 12 bucks..4? callers...J rainbow flop. Cbet of 25 bucks left myself and one other fellow. Brick on the turn, and when he called my turn bet of 50, I had to wonder.. A 10 on the river didn't complete anything, and my river bet of 75 induced a fold.... Ok..

Flopped a couple of nut flushes which paid nicely..a few steals, and it was a good night.

Got dealt Kk in mp and raised it up, a couple of callers, and then a fellow that just sat down min raised me to 25, so I re popped to 75, and he pushed all in for 100 total...he didn't show. then he promptly left.

There were many guys there playing short stacks (50-150) and they just kept rebuying..

Soft game all in all. Everyone seemed to polarize their hands well, lol. Left up 800 after 3.5hrs when they decided to break our table up. I had been up for 26 hrs...enough is enough..lol

I like this town so far! Tonight maybe the Yellowhead?


  • Sick trip report! I <3 Yellow and $2 blackjack. Going to River Cree at all? Or that place with the 2/5 DC no cap game? Ask some local yokels where the big action in town is these days.
  • was it all 1/2 at argyl?
  • Meistro wrote: »
    Sick trip report! I <3 Yellow and $2 blackjack. Going to River Cree at all? Or that place with the 2/5 DC no cap game? Ask some local yokels where the big action in town is these days.

    Probably gonna avoid the Cree just for the smoking factor...but we will see...lol

    I don't know about the 2/5 no cap game, I am pretty comfy sticking with 1/2..lol But who knows..if I have another good run tonight, might take a shot tomorrow. ;)
  • Meistro wrote: »
    was it all 1/2 at argyl?

    they had a 2/5 game on the board but not enough players.
  • DennisG wrote: »
    Chips are pretty worn out, tables are old, but the dealers are pretty decent.

    ha ha.....yeah, I dislike Argyl for this reason, it's the Cash Casino (Calgary) of Edmonton. Good dealers and action though, if you can ignore the atmosphere.

    Yellowhead is the best room in YEG IMO.....they have a $65 donkement tonight @ 7 (6K, 15min). Let me know if you're playing, maybe I'll stop by (don't usually play the 15 min tournies) and let you buy me a beer.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    ha ha.....yeah, I dislike Argyl for this reason, it's the Cash Casino (Calgary) of Edmonton. Good dealers and action though, if you can ignore the atmosphere.

    Yellowhead is the best room in YEG IMO.....they have a $65 donkement tonight @ 7 (6K, 15min). Let me know if you're playing, maybe I'll stop by (don't usually play the 15 min tournies) and let you buy me a beer.

    lol..well, I won't be there for the tourney as the kids don't go to bed until 8ish. But will give ya a heads up where we are heading for cash tonight..

    Does anywhere in town have a plo game?
  • Argyll is a shit hole and Edmonton seems quite dead for any decent action.

    The one time I went there everyone was wearing winter coats to keep warm at the tables. They can't even bother heating that place...very nice.
  • DennisG wrote: »
    lol..well, I won't be there for the tourney as the kids don't go to bed until 8ish. But will give ya a heads up where we are heading for cash tonight..

    Does anywhere in town have a plo game?

    I have managed to get a PLO (well DC) going my one time at Argyll and about 1/2 the time at Yellowhead. I am always the one asking the floor to poll the tables for a game and have been pretty successful at getting it going.
  • DennisG wrote: »
    lol..well, I won't be there for the tourney as the kids don't go to bed until 8ish. But will give ya a heads up where we are heading for cash tonight..

    Does anywhere in town have a plo game?

    There is no regular casino for PLO in YEG, as GTA said, you'll have to try to get one started......that being said, I would assume it would be difficult on a Wednesday. And you'll have to push DC (Pineapple, Crazy, NLHE & PLO), as I've yet to ever seen a strictly PLO table in Edmonton (although 95% of the time you'll be playing PLO).

    I know there is a travelling 5-5 / 5-10 DC that can get pretty juicy. Usually the same guys, and they change casinos (last time I saw them was a Saturday @ RiverCree). I wouldn't recommend having have less then 3G on you to play that game however, as the cash on the table builds quickly. 500 might be OK when the game starts, but if you join a couple hours in, you will want to have 1K minimum to buyin with.

    I don't usually sit in for this reason.
  • Day 2 - Palace

    Got off to a late start last night as we wanted to take the kids to the pool first. I highly recommend the Leduc Rec Center btw. Awesome pool for kidlets!

    On our way to the Yellowhead about 10:30ish and decided to hit the Palace instead..

    Got in and there were 3 tables going, two 3/6 and one 1/2. Table turned out to be full of regular nits...with the exception of two young aggros from Red Deer intent on beating each other... Absolutely card dead all night. Highest pp was 99, with AK once, and AQ twice. 22-55 several times but nothing to play with on the flop. Position play with a few scare cards on the turn and river kept me with some money on hand...
    Got down to 4 handed for a few laps and then finally someone came along to keep us playing for the bbj. Quit there about 4:00am up about 125 bucks...

    Did get to chat to a few that all claimed the Cree would be the busiest game in town..so, I guess we will be going there tonight.

    As far as the DC game goes, some were talking about it, and they said it was at the Yellowhead last Sat..but no one knew where it was playing this week? I don't know how to play Pineapple or Crazy? So..I wouldn't likely join that anyway..lol And yeah, with stacks getting that deep I am not that into dumping that kind of cash out on the table..the 5 bills I can do, but, 2-3k...naw..out of my comfort zone.
  • DennisG wrote: »
    Did get to chat to a few that all claimed the Cree would be the busiest game in town..so, I guess we will be going there tonight.

    Cree is usually pretty good for cash, they are changing from 24hr apparently in the new year, so they will decline. Will still be good for tonight, however.

    Was at Y/H last night....186 entries (including re-entries) to the donkement, so it was definately the place to be. When tables get busted, they open more cash games. I left about 11:30, there were about 5 or 6 full 1-2 tables going, which is pretty standard.

    Good luck.
  • Day 3- Cree

    As was said, Cree had a bunch of tables open (5) when we got there at about 9:00, action was good. Variance was not. Got sat down pretty quicklike, and watched the table for a bit. Lagtard in seat 9 raising every hand to 12 bucks, cbetting 25...
    After about 20 min of watching this I got q7s on the button and decided to complete his raise..3 7 4 rainbow flop. He checks, I bet 25, he flats. 10 on the turn, I bet 50, he flats. 6 on the river, he checks, I check behind and he shows 64o. Alright...

    Same guy raises 12 from ep, button shoves all in for about 70..bb calls the 70. Lagtard goes into the tank and reraises all in for about 150 more. BB then calls him...
    Cards come out and after the river is dropped, lagtard flips over 75o for the straight.

    About 3 more hands he shows 94o, A2o, and j6o all for 2 pair winners on turn and river..All hands he called cbets and has nothing on the flop....lol

    Some guys have all the luck...

    I was mostly card dead here too, biggest pair was queens, flopped one set of 7's against lagtard as he was packing up his chips to leave...flopped a straight for a medium pot...nothing too exciting. Bled off mostly...lol Stuck for 400 on the night.

    Lots of action at the Cree for sure, but wasn't that impressed when I was starting to come back and get cards at about 2am and they mentioned they were closing at 3am.

    Dealers were a bit stuffy, players not quite as friendly, but still a good game.

    Not sure if we will be playing tonight, or just going to the Argyl tomorrow for the tourney and cash.
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