The Doghouse....

For those of you who have seen this before...I apologize. But it's one of the funniest ads I've ever seen, and educational for those of soon to be entering the world of matrimony. Just saw this for the first time today.

YouTube - Beware of the Doghouse- Hilarious!


  • Thanks for sharing that....

    I'm bookmarking it and putting it on my cell phone so I can show any guy (at the poker table, at work or even just random strangers) who I find out they are thinking about getting married.
    By the way, I found this ad to be entirely ineffective at communicating what JC Penny is trying to say.

    They are portraying women as greedy, shallow and needing men to appeal to their vanity. They show men as being callow, weak and stupid.

    It's a rare commercial that can offend both sexes!!!
  • As a lifelong resident of The Dog House, I just want to say, it ain't so bad. Three squares a day of quiche...plenty of cool water in your bowl...and your hands stay busy with all the folding. Things could be worse.

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