What the hell is going on?!?

Hey guys,

In vegas now.. Sitting in my room, wishing I never came in the first place.

I have suffered a stupid amount of bad cards, bad beats, and bad plays the whole time I have been here.

I have pretty much given up on the game. I can't seem to figure out where I'm going wrong. My play is just completely off.

I am now hiding in my room and don't plan on coming out until I leave because I have done nothing but BLEED cash. I came to vegas expecting to lose a little bit. But at no time during this trip have I been UP. I've just lost, lost, lost.

I am no newbie to the game, and do not think I'm the best player in the world. But I give up. Vegas has actually broken me. I can't wait to get back to Canada so I can focus on something else. Because really... Poker apparently is not the thing for me.

I've dedicated so much time to this game it really gets under my skin that I have not left any table ahead while I watch the idiots that are playing whatever garbage that they get dealt and then chase to the river no matter what and TAKE MY MONEY!!


Sorry.. I had to vent.. I bid farwell to this god forsaken game!!

Good luck to the rest of you



  • It's Christmas Eve. Go out and enjoy the city. Go see some stuff or get some good food. Poker isn't treating you well right now, but it's not worth holing up in your room and moping about feeling like crap.

    I could go on about variance, but why bother at this point. Enjoy the city!

    I can't imagine how much fun it would be to be in Vegas over Christmas!
  • Easy to feel this way playing 1/2 live lol, but keep your head up, if you're playing well and working hard you will profit!
  • LOL.

    Everybody gets crushed their first time to Vegas.

    Trying a bit too hard.

    Merry Xmas.
  • Go enjoy yourself dude, go pick up some chicks:p, or go play the slots:D
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    Everybody gets crushed their first time to Vegas.

    Trying a bit too hard.

    Merry Xmas.

    If only it was my first time in Vegas...
  • Are you tipping the waitresses properly? I find that Lady Luck will doomswitch you if you don't tip often enough. I do every time, don't want to piss her off.

    Go find a 2/4 limit table and get loaded. You'll still lose a ton of cash, but at least you'll be too drunk to notice. And don't forget to tip :)
  • My first poker trip to Vegas I really didn't play well, really due to not managing my time playing poker. Just over did it, not eating well, sleeping enough, etc. Second trip was a lot better mainly because I had a game plan. My only advice is to keep at it and play tighter. Don't just bleed chips because you are trying to make up some of your losses. Maybe try a new room for a fresh start. I really found a big difference in the 2/5 game (a lot more profitable) than 1/2 which had a lot better players. Good luck w the rest of the trip.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Are you tipping the waitresses properly? I find that Lady Luck will doomswitch you if you don't tip often enough. I do every time, don't want to piss her off.

    That didn't work too well for DrTyore though...
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    My first poker trip to Vegas I really didn't play well, really due to not managing my time playing poker. Just over did it, not eating well, sleeping enough, etc. Second trip was a lot better mainly because I had a game plan. My only advice is to keep at it and play tighter. Don't just bleed chips because you are trying to make up some of your losses. Maybe try a new room for a fresh start. I really found a big difference in the 2/5 game (a lot more profitable) than 1/2 which had a lot better players. Good luck w the rest of the trip.

    How come there are better players playing 1/2 than 2/5? (Serious question, I haven't been to vegas)
  • Take a break, or go ahead and quit. Poker can be soul destroying. Take up quilting instead.
  • Meistro wrote: »
    Take a break, or go ahead and quit. Poker can be soul destroying. Take up quilting instead.

    Obviously you've never experienced the variance in quilting. I've seen it. It can be smothering!
  • not to brag but first trip to vegas was profitable. i started off with a warm up $85 dollar tourney at ceasars and placed 1st for like 2k or something. then it was cash games. i so agree that the 1/2 table has much better players. i did well though. didn't play 2/5 cuz the action at bellagio on the 1/2 table was freaking outrageous, on avg ppl had a stack of 900! first time at the 1/2 i did great only to lose after a couple of hours. but came back the next day to quad up! playing loose seemed to help me cuz a lot fish tried to be overly loose. anyway, just hang in there man. i've had the same with internet play. i have sworn not to deposit a single on any poker site! just random donks...live im much better
  • This summers trip to vegas was the same thing. Playing 2-5 and 5-10nl+, coming in second place for stacks, 1 outers etc it happens. It's how you recover that makes you a stronger player.

    Just take a good look at your game and see if there are things to improve - were you getting out played or just unlucky? Game selection? Bankroll?? A lot of questions to ask yourself.

    As a rule of thumb for me personally as long as I have 4-5 buy ins for a game that I am playing I am comfortable. I also don't worry if I get my money in with the best hand and get rivered because it means that I am playing good poker and just getting unlucky.

    Its a different story to take shots and then try to bluff or get your money in bad to win...

    Keep your head up and come back home and take a break and re-evaluate then head back out and crush again....
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