2010 Review / 2011 Goals

May as well start a new thread for everyone to post their 2010 results and 2011 goals. As for me: 2010 was a year to really get into playing live tournament poker. I still don't have the bankroll for the bigger buy in events at the Casinos but the smaller, local tournies have been great !!

Two cashes at Buzzard's events (played in four of them)
Winning at Muddguts' event back in September
Three-way chop for first at Westside
Two firsts at the Hamilton poker league

I started playing online again in September and have grown my bankroll from $100 to just over $1000. A 7th (out of 3400+) in a $14k GTD event helped as well.

2011 Goals

Stick to the games where I am profitable. This means no more cash games. Only SNGs and MTT tournies as well as live tournies.

Qualify for WSOP event for this summer

Win a Holt Poker Tour event

Win one of AJ's tournies

Cash in the Fallsview Winter Classic $1k event

Increase online bankroll to $3000


  • 2010 has ended with a whimper or so to speak. My online game has been a slow grind in the lower buy ins, Time to step it up as I have been cashing regularly.

    Play more live games and start getting to final tables again.

    I won HV Poker Tour in June. finished 2nd at Wetts outside patio series event 1 and managed a 2nd and 3rd in 4 events on the Hill.

    My goals I will not set to lofty. Cash at the Fallsview Classic 1k

    Win 2 Home tourneys, and steadily finish in the top 4 or 5, build my online roll to 2K by June 1st. Win one of the 2 to 5 K guaranteed tourneys on P*s
    I also want to play better at the RC.

    I am also planning on starting another league up probably in February
    and plans are in the works to run at least 5 tourneys at my place. The 1st one will be Jan 2nd and is in the Ontario Section . If interested please don't hesitate to sign up.
  • It has been a pretty tough for me. I have been losing everytime I step to 25NL. I think I am doing pretty good now. Hopefully the rest of the year I can play good at 25NL.

    For 2011.
    I would like to build my BR and play 100NL.
  • Alot of the goals I made for 2010 pretty much failed but I definitely am a much better tourney and cash player now. For 2011 I'm switching my focus to cash games, I'm planning on being a 1-2 6max reg (handwise, goal is to play 600k hands in 2011 at least): I still love mtts though but they won't be my main focus since I just can't ever put in enough volume that you need to be successful in them at ssnl mtts.
  • wetts1012 wrote: »
    2010 Goals:

    1) Beat 2009 from an overall profit perspective (40K)
    2) Finally get a 5 figure score
    3) Final table a Sunday Major
    4) Learn to play cash games. Im a complete cash game spaz.
    5) Finally win a ching SET game
    6) Tilt less - Enjoy more!

    I accomplished about half of my goals for this year, but I took a significantly longer break from online poker than I anticipated at the start because.....

    It started so well. In Early Jan I chopped the 50/50 for about 8K, and won outright the 15K Superstack and the late 20r on FTP for about 9K total. 2010 was going to be a breeze - An I would crush it.

    Then I hit a wall of variance that I had never experienced. No flips. No 60/40's. It progressed from variance to bad play and I went through what I would conservatively say was about a 12-15K downswing over the course of about 3 months.

    I cashed out everything but 1K on FTP and enjoyed the monies. We travelled some, but mostly I just took a good portion of the summer off and invested most of it in other avenues. My game had very little confidence, and in mid-high stakes online games if you have no confidence in moves and reads ur toast.

    In late August I went on a work trip to Calgary which happened to fall during COPC so I took my shot at a few events while there. I ended up losing HU in event #3 for about 17k.

    When I got home from trhe trip I had my mojo back. I had $7 or so in my Stars account at the time because I never really bothered with Stars. I played the 4quad on 1 bullet and shipped for about 1k. Over the next 3-4 months I final tabled the stuper twice (winning once) for a total of about 24k, finished 2nd in the 20r twice for about 7k total, and binked the Canada Coop event 9 for 12K.

    It was definately a learning experience that will help when the next variance strike comes. For those going through it - I argue that you need time away. Bad variance inevitably turns into bad play - there is no getting around that.

    Overall I've matched my profit results from 2009. I'll again make the goal to beat both 09 and 10 in terms of profit. Lets say 50K for 2011. Im still going to final table a Sunday major. Of this Im certain.

    Id also like to continue to play more live events (as long as they let me wear my ear buds). This starts with Fallsview, to Venetian in Feb, AC for WSOPc in March and then to WSOP in the summer.

    Thanks again to the MTT community here. It doesnt always have to be strategic content that boosts your ability to play well and achieve results. Use the sweat thread. Show up randomly at peers tables and give them confidence. Trust me.

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I accomplished about half of my goals for this year, but I took a significantly longer break from online poker than I anticipated at the start because.....

    It started so well. In Early Jan I chopped the 50/50 for about 8K, and won outright the 15K Superstack and the late 20r on FTP for about 9K total. 2010 was going to be a breeze - An I would crush it.

    Then I hit a wall of variance that I had never experienced. No flips. No 60/40's. It progressed from variance to bad play and I went through what I would conservatively say was about a 12-15K downswing over the course of about 3 months.

    I cashed out everything but 1K on FTP and enjoyed the monies. We travelled some, but mostly I just took a good portion of the summer off and invested most of it in other avenues. My game had very little confidence, and in mid-high stakes online games if you have no confidence in moves and reads ur toast.

    In late August I went on a work trip to Calgary which happened to fall during COPC so I took my shot at a few events while there. I ended up losing HU in event #3 for about 17k.

    When I got home from trhe trip I had my mojo back. I had $7 or so in my Stars account at the time because I never really bothered with Stars. I played the 4quad on 1 bullet and shipped for about 1k. Over the next 3-4 months I final tabled the stuper twice (winning once) for a total of about 24k, finished 2nd in the 20r twice for about 7k total, and binked the Canada Coop event 9 for 12K.

    It was definately a learning experience that will help when the next variance strike comes. For those going through it - I argue that you need time away. Bad variance inevitably turns into bad play - there is no getting around that.

    Overall I've matched my profit results from 2009. I'll again make the goal to beat both 09 and 10 in terms of profit. Lets say 50K for 2011. Im still going to final table a Sunday major. Of this Im certain.

    Id also like to continue to play more live events (as long as they let me wear my ear buds). This starts with Fallsview, to Venetian in Feb, AC for WSOPc in March and then to WSOP in the summer.

    Thanks again to the MTT community here. It doesnt always have to be strategic content that boosts your ability to play well and achieve results. Use the sweat thread. Show up randomly at peers tables and give them confidence. Trust me.


    Sweet post!, not just the bolded part's(which mostly what I did as well to some degree) but pretty much everything.
  • 2010 was my worst poker year by far. Still profitable but not even close to what I was used to or expected. I didn't play too many cash games, but when I did I mostly failed. What I find odd is that I'm a much better mtt player now then in the past so this is hard for me to accept. I guess I took too many big shots, and when you fail to cash anything significant in the majors, your bankroll takes a hit. Not qualifying for the wsop me was a huge hit to my confidence as well.

    Hoping 2011 is a turnaround year for me. Not sure if I'm going to incorporate cash games again, I just don't get any thrill of playing them.

    Goals are still the same as 2010

    - win a sunday major or a tournament series event
    - qualify for the wsop me
    - qualify for at least one other major live event
    - consistently ship tournies
  • Here's a recap of my year:

    Update 2010:

    Online MTT OPR profit: $15G's, up 5g from 2009

    Live Tourney Profit: Not fully tracked, local casino has me listed @ 15K in cashes (same as last year), I would rate my profit @ 4-6K, but that's only a guess.

    Live Travel: Did Vegas again, just 2 weeks this year at the end of May. Did much better, cash games I killed, tournies showed a small profit (mainly for chopping one of the Binions events). No cash at 3 or 4 Venetian DSE events, although I was happy with my play. Also went to Calgary for one of the events at the Cdn Championships....min cashed that.

    Variance: I hit a couple big brick walls this year....ie. 2K+ downswings. Cost me my trip to the BCPC, as I was going to use online cash for that. More reason for bankroll mgt.

    Goals 2010:

    1. Get into the current century and get PT3 or such
    2. Track live play
    Pass, have an App on my Iphone
    Start using a bankroll (as of now, just play whatever, and deposit / withdraw whenever I see fit)
    Play more NLHE online (2009 concentrated mostly on PLO MTT) to get my game back to a profitable level
    Played more, still not profitable
    Minimum one 5 figure score online, and one live
    Fail, Fail
    6. Overall profit of $40G
    Play WSOP event(s), and spend 3+ weeks in Vegas again
    Stayed in Vegas for 2 weeks....but fail on the WSOP event
    Play one other major live tourney other than local (ie. EPT, WPT, LAPT)
    9. Get shit......like when Wetts did

    2011 Goals & Aspirations:

    1. Online Holdem Holdem Holdem.......get profitable already.

    2. 10K + score online

    3. 10K + score live

    4. Play a WSOP event

    5. Play one+ non WSOP major event (WPT, NAPT, LAPT, EPT, etc.)

    6. Start using a bankroll

    7. My profit goal will be set @ 35K

    8. Make November 9
  • Wow there are some great things here, never really put that kind of thought into but I will give it a try this year and see how I do. I think all are attainable.

    1. Run 3 successful West Side Events.

    2. Deposit 100.00 January 1st and no more deposits.

    3. Play every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday forum games

    4. Represent the Tuesday group 12 times 1n 2011

    5. Cash 55.00 stars for the group.

    6. Win Royal Cup this year

    7. MVP Royal Cup (if pinhead can do it so can I)

    8. Beat Shar in a heads up match at Royal if she comes.

    9. Have caught Shar in Awards by Royal Cup X if not by the end of the year

    10. Cash at Falls View at least once.

    11. Give love one more chance and get a girlfriend

    12. Lose 100 December 31st 2011 -150 lbs by March 16th 2012 180 Dec 31, 2012

    13. New Job

    14. Be more positive at the tables handle bad beats better

    15. Have 1200.00 online by December 31, 2011

    16. win at least once on the 11 daily deep stacks on stars

    17, represent buy in bank in 2011

    Prophet :2h :2s

    PS winning HPT; Bristol; and Ching once each

    Over under 6.5 of the 15
  • 2010 was a bit of a trainwreck. After $10k+ in profits in 2009, I basically broke even for the bulk of the year, though I spent much less time playing, due to the birth of my daughter and working full-time on developing my Buy-in Bank website.

    Highlights 2010:

    Played in first WSOP event (3rd major live event)
    Started my Buy-in Bank website

    Goals 2011:

    1) Play in at least one major Asian / Australian / European event
    2) Profit at least $50,000 HKD on trips to Macau
    3) Make $5-10k playing online
    4) Surpass 1000 total pages for Buy-in Bank and 2500 total users
    5) Make at least 2 trips to the gym each week
    6) Spend more time with my daughter and less time in front of the computer

    EDIT - 7) Help at least 10 of our users play their first major live event.
  • Be able to post goals for 2012...
  • 2010 was a disappointment for me poker-wise. I seemed to regress rather than improve. So, I have a week off over the Holidays, and will spend that time judiciously renewing my poker vigour . . .

    Goals for 2011:
    Poker will be more philosophical for me next year, as I will no longer brood on big pots lost. Rather I will take satisfaction from getting my $$$ in while a 4:1 favourite. I can do nothing about chance, adn if Lady Luck chooses to smile upon another, so be it.

    I have a little $$$ on Stars, and so will happily play micro stakes until my roll increases enough to play higher. I can play a little higher on FTP, and so I will do so. The on-line goal is to finish the year with more than I started, and not to re-load at any point in 2011.

    Live roll is going to take a hit, as I plan to put some money aside for next year's Black Friday Sales. this money is not "untouchable", but that is the goal. Also, 50% of any profit to that point will be used to buy chips, too.

    That is all.
  • 2010 was extremely quiet for me poker-wise. got a new job which took up a lot of time and as a result i was not putting in time at the tables. a late downswing cut into my profits for the year, but i still ended in the black. however, i'm planning on putting poker back into my list of priorities in 2011!

    goals for 2011:

    1. play in the WSOP (still haven't made the trip out yet, and i may not be able to make it this year either, but i'm hoping)
    2. double the amount of hands played online from last year (i have to try and put the time in and play more, even if it's just a couple hours a night at a time)
    3. play more live poker (either tournaments or cash games for more live experience)
    4. win 10K+ in a MTT (a lofty goal which i will hope for the best)
  • 2011 Goals

    - Move up from uber micro stakes.

    - Use good bankroll management.

    - Get one of those Table Ninja, Hold'em Manager deals.

    - Win a 1000+ player MTT

    - Learn Omaha

    - Continue moving upwards with my bankroll instead of treading water.

    - Hit a Royal Flush

    - Participate in some of Johnnie H's games

    - Go curling with the Forum again.

    - Find a better job or find investors to make a better job.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Be able to post goals for 2012...

    I guess you mean stay above ground.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    I guess you mean stay above ground.

    u got it!
  • I also did not have any set goals for 2010. I however would like to share what I feel I accomplished this year and set a few goals for 2011.

    For the past couple years I have played regularly online. I began by making a small deposit. A few times I had built a quite healthy bankroll but would cash out as I saw fit and start again. Last January I made a deposit of $15.00 on Stars. I am proud to say that I have not deposited again since.

    With that $15.00 I have managed to be able to pay for the forum game entries usually 3 times a week.

    I have been able to trade monies from Stars to try a few things on FTP without ever depositing there.

    I have been able to participate in side bets and LL's, some won and some lost..

    While I may not play the same volume as others, I usually play atleast 4 or 5 days a week. Even at 1.40 x up to 5 or 6 times a day adds up and I was able to play off won money through a whole year.

    I was also able to play some larger buy-ins, including in that, 3 $55.00 Online Forum League wins which provided some of that 'super sized' opportunity.

    Some Goals for 2011

    1. Try to play more Live. While this option is somewhat limited for me, I would like to see if I can build/maintain a live bankroll in a similar manner.

    2. Final table a larger online mtt tournament of 500 or more runners.

    3. First 4 figure score online in 2011.

    4. Play in Vegas for the first time.

    5. Take another trip down east for the Royal Cup.

    5a. Play in various home games down east while on said poker road trip.

    6. Play in atleast one major live event (of the 2) held at Casino Regina and cash.

    7. Continue growing and learning as a player. I have never played with any aids/software/trackers etc. Part of growing and learning as an online player would be to make use of those things that are giving others an advantage. I would think this in turn would also be of value to your live game as well.

    Good luck to everyone in the New Year!

  • Next royal one of us has to run something the next day so Shar can play.
  • 2010 Goals:

    1. Get PT3 - Done
    2. Sign up to a training site - Done (Pokerpwnage and just recently Cardrunners)
    3. First 4 Figure Score - Done (1.9k)
    4. Finish 2010 with overall >$5k profit - Need like another $100 this week to cross this off the list

    So all in all, I am very happy with my year. I kinda lost my drive near the end of this year, and dabbled into cash games. Doin ok in those over small sample at 25NL lately. Not sure at this point if I will focus on cash or tournies in 2011, so I will set profit goals instead of volume goals like I was originally planning on doing.

    1. $10K profit
    2. Really focus on getting mentally prepared to play, not playing in front of the tv, not tilting as easy, etc
    3. Lurk the strat forums more
    4. First $5k+ score
    5. Continue watching videos, re-reading/finishing books
    6. Possibly find someone to sweat weekly sessions with
  • My goals

    800k hands 50nl & higher

    Move up to 100 nl and be a winning player at that level this time next year.

    Have a €20k roll this time next year.

    Play 4 €500 + tournaments live

    Win 10k plus in some tournament.

    Last years goals
    1. Try cut back on withdrawals this year ( if it wasnt for them id be rolled to play 200nl at this stage, god knows i wouldnt beat it but all the same)

    2. Im starting back at 50Nl in January so i guess id be happy to be a small winner or breakeven 100 nl player this time next year.

    3. Take omaha a bit further. I believe i have a quiet good game at it and can probably beat higher levels at it than Nl.

    4. 20k hands min every month.

    5. Im not really going to make any live poker goals as i tend to mainly use my personal money for these games so whatever happens let it be.

    6. Make a decent attempt to satt into wsop.

    1. Pass

    2.Guess i have a bankroll for 100nl and im also a big winner over 7k hands but not really what i hoped for. But not a fail either.

    3. Fail but dont really care

    4. Pass i guess have not got there every month but my average will def make it a pass.

    5. Set myself up to pass that

  • Like thousands of other online players, 2011 was much worse for me compared to previous years. :( The good news for me is I still haven't had a single losing month despite the life-tilting variance of tournaments.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Be able to post goals for 2012...

    Hey, getting close, I may just make it.
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